I want it back!!!

by ashitaka 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    The JW's medicated my innocence with the 'reality' of Armageddon. I want innocence back, dammit!!!


    P.S.-I'm drunk, but not so much to forget my anger....the wife's asleep, it's ok.

  • Ranchette

    I hear ya!
    I've felt that way too.

    But it's kind of like wanting your virginity back if you didn't like how things went the first time or if you just want to start over.
    You can't get it back but you can learn from it and you can move foward and help yourself and others.

    It is interesting that you bring this up because I have been wondering why world events havent gotten me all panicky or overly upset or scared?
    I realize that I was trained to expect horrible atrocities all my life.They tought me to expect this and think it's normal.
    They did steal our innocence!! I feel calloused and angry that I sometimes feel numb when I should be feeling more!!
    Then I think it may be a blessing because I don't suffer as much as others do.I just suffer because I don't think I'm reacting normally.

    Does this make sence or sound familiar?


  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    Your innocence is the first thing extracted, then comes your humanity.

    How else can you cope with the thought of 99.9% of the human population of the earth being killed by the most inhuman means possible?


  • rhett

    There are quite a few differences between losing your virginity and losing your innocense to the WT. Most people (guys especially) actually try to lose their virginity. Also, unless you're raped, losing your virginity is a voluntary thing.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • lauralisa

    I lost the thread. I lost the map
    It's not a feeling. It's a fact
    I had it once, I was on track
    Why won't it stay? I want it back

    I can't give love. I don't know how
    I write in code so you won't know
    I was on drugs. I took a nap
    I didn't mean it. I want it back

    I dreamed again of paradise
    I floated steady. It felt so nice
    To sell your soul - just think of that
    I'm halfway there. I want it back

    I want it back

    shawn colvin, 1996

  • WhatNow

    Geez...was Shawn Colvin a witness? (ha ha)

  • ashitaka

    I want my valuable comic collection back too...my father threw out thousands of dollars of my collection when the dubs gave a talk on the 'evil' of comics...bastards.

    I ended up saving them from the garbage and giving them to friends...


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