I need direction, a guide, inspiration....Holy Spirit???? (lurkers welcome)

by oompa 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oompa

    We all know that witnesses go nuts when you point out their apparent lack of attention from God due to all their constant changes in teachings...from being wrong all the time. Somehow, because the SLAVE (Gods channel) is imperfect and makes mistakes using Gods instructions we should still follow them. They will say we are not "inspired" by Holy Spirit like the Bible writers...just guided and directed by God, but still imperfect so make mistakes....ok.......

    You are lost, and need directions to your destination. You ask for directions and get them. Yet you never arrive there and constantly wander, zig zagging your way all over town. What went wrong? Either you can't follow perfectly good directions......you did not understand the directions......you forgot the directions.....or you got really bad directions (sorry god). Either way, you are lost and aren't worth too much as far as helping anyone else get where you want to go.

    So you hire a guide...he will guide you to your destination. But you are too slow and can't keep up....or the guide is too fast and leaves you....or you are not paying close enough attention and miss a turn the guide makes.....or the guide is not really a guide, but a map seller....either way....you still don't have a clue where you are and sure can't help anyone else get where you want to go.

    I am still wandering and I wandered for 44 years. Oh My! I am wandering now without a guide. Now instead of trying to keep my eyes on the wannabe guide, I can at least see what is around me.............................................................oompa

  • nomoreguilt

    Oompa...You do realize of course that you must KEEP in pace with the guide! That's your fault that you have NOT kept in stride with the SPIRIT that guides the borg! But then again, the wts has now claimed to NOT be under the direct direction of the hs, only influnced by it. MY what a bunch of gobble-de-goop they feed people. Back and forth, god's org, spirit this, spirit that, we said this, we didn't say that.

    And then , we have the jw apologist here like this Malakiel character that is SOOOOOOO mind controlled that he continues to carry on this diatribe about us folks. Have they NO CLUE how they must sound to us?

    Carry on the HUMOUR oompa, I like it and I understand you.


  • oompa
    Nomoreguilt: Oompa...You do realize of course that you must KEEP in pace with the guide! That's your fault that you have NOT kept in stride with the SPIRIT that guides the borg!

    Thanks Nomore, but not to miss my point....THAT IS THEIR JOB!!! The Spirit is supposed to be the guide for the borg....so they must keep up, and we must then follow THEM. Once they get the info, they are supposed to pass it on to us...........oompa

  • nomoreguilt

    Yes, that's just IT! They aren't and haven't been getting ANYTHING have they??? What have they gotten lately or ever that didn't contribute to enslaving their followers? Oh, follow US here, to 1975. Oh, here, it's just around the corner. OH, here, it's straight ahead. Oh, here, we have new light, OH here, we have more annointed. AROUND AND ROUND WE GO!!! I got off of that mery-go-round, it made so dizzy I had to puke.

    What have they had to pass on??? Old recycled crap.


  • jgnat

    Here's a book suggesion. "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", by Stephen R. Covey. I wish I'd read it ten years ago. I warn you, the book, if taken seriously, will force you in to some serious re-examination of yourself, your motivations, and how you relate to others. I've incorporated up to step three, and I have already experienced significant improvements in my ambitions, relationships, and quality of life.

    The only irritating part of the book is it's insistence on "right" and "true" values. Shades of witnessism. But I am able to put that aside and get to the meat of the author's intent. Boy, it's a powerful book.

    My wish for you is that you don't stay in the endless loop of misery that a serious addiction brings. Misery tempts you to fall back in to the addiction, and the addiction helps you stay miserable. Improve your life, and the addiction loses it's chief excuse.

    By being your own guide, then, you won't have to worry about keeping up.

  • S3RAPH1M

    First define where your destination ends, and then set off on your journey.

  • journey-on

    S3RAPH1M - Sounds like the plaque in the "children's" guest room at my house: "You can't aim till you've identified the target."

    I think with the WTS, they can't decide whether the target is more $$$, more real estate, stronger control, or more power. It

    certainly isn't guiding their followers to a deeper understanding of spiritual truths. How can it be? They don't have a clue what

    a spritual truth is? One time it's this, the next time it's that! Then suddenly they turn again and it's back to this.

    (When the Israelites wandered for 40 years in the wildnerness, that should have been a clue right there!)

  • wings
    First define where your destination ends, and then set off on your journey.

    good one..... wings

  • wings
    (sorry god).

    good cover oompa, I mean just in case.

    Following the map for me was like living in a fantasy world. Looking back, I wish sometime it had been that easy. Go to meetings, knock on doors, live happily forever on paradise earth. Follow instructions, and if anything goes wrong you always have satan to blame for it. Just wrap me in a box and put a ribbon on it.

    Not knowing the answers is both exciting and frightening. But at least my heart is beating and I know what it feels like to breath fresh air.


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