The Innocence....Like a DOE....Eyes Wide Open

by nomoreguilt 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • nomoreguilt

    This is my style, this is how I live my life, I am an OBSERVER...I always have been. I was the one in the KH that could sit back and watch as an event was transpiring. I have always had a knack for being in tune when something was amiss with an individual.

    I always knew if the bell didn't RING quite right, you understand where I am? If things aren't right, I just know it. I was always proved right by these feelings. And so it goes here on JWD . However, I WILL NOT jump to a conclusion without getting all the facts and feelings for a matter, first.

    But, this is not what I wish to address here. I am looking at all of the new folks that are entering our realm, eyes wide open in amazement and disbelief that their entire belief system is callapsing before their eyes. It's pretty much the way that most of these folks felt when they first became JW's, if they weren't born into it.

    They are naive, scared, uncertain but most of all they are in need of a NEW support group. They are about to dismiss everything they have ever learned as TRUTH for something that has a certain RING to it. The bells are going off in their head and at times it sounds like one giant CRESCENDO !!

    I have been very impressed by the warmth with which we have all welcomed these folks. I know, i had a thread similar to this a while ago, but there are so many new people coming on JWD lately that I just felt the need to reiterate the thought.

    I didn't mean to ramble, but as usual I always tend to speak from the heart.

    Take care friends.


  • changeling

    Well said.

    chnageling :)

  • wings

    It was a memorible time in my life....connecting to others was powerful to say the least.


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