Lets see if we can get some real statistics

by isnrblog 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • isnrblog

    See if this makes sense to you guys. I am tired of hearing the Witnesses crow about the "growth" of the organization. Their figures reflect a growt about that ofthe Worlds populatiom, 3 to 5%

    Informally I started thinking about every Witness I ever knew and what their own personal outcome was inregards the Witnesses. Most are no longer Witnesses. I have not yet completed my list, but I thought you guys might feel like participating in the excercise, I will publish the results on my blog, www.isnrblog.com

    You need to think of all the baptized Witnesses you have known and where they are now. Include only those who you are certain of their present situation:

    Number of Baptized Witnesses I have known ____

    Number who died still Witnesses _____

    Number who died as non Witnesses (DF'd Inactive)_____

    Number still Witnesses, include reinstated____

    Number who were disfellowshipped and not reinstated_____

    Number inactive_____

    If I am missing some stat here, let me know.


  • ldrnomo

    This is not scientific because my memory is---what was I saying?

    Number of Baptized Witnesses I have known _200___

    Number who died still Witnesses __30___

    Number who died as non Witnesses (DF'd Inactive)__2___

    Number still Witnesses, include reinstated__150_

    Number who were disfellowshipped and not reinstated_10____

    Number inactive__7___

  • Honesty

    I would love to help you but I only know 5 people who were once JW's while I know at laest 600 who are always going to be JW's because they are too dumb to realise they are being deceived.

  • monophonic

    there's, dammit, what do they call that, a constant?, something else that needs considering to the growth of jehovah's witnesses and that's 'no sex until marriage'.

    which means jws get married a lot younger than the general public, many times in their teens. then they start pooping out future jw babies.

    once married, the congregation puts a massive love bomb on the brother b/c he's now 'responsible', so he's coddled and given position and kept very busy.

    so, family growth needs to be taken into consideration, and for the most part it's a passive decision, like for me, my dad said if i was old enough to get a driver's license i was old enough to get baptized. i read b/t those lines, no baptizm, no license. no license, no way to sneak out of the house to go see concerts and hang out with my friends who lived out of the area.

    bam! baptized, and didn't leave for a good 10 years after that b/c by default the whole social network is in tact, yadda, yadda yadda.

    so if kids born into it aren't counted, i think there would be a loss in most parts of the world.

    solution: sex before marriage, with a condom, hey that was fun. sex with someone else. hey that was fun. leaves the whole mystery out of it and people will make better choices in those they marry and make better choices on whether to stay in a religion that's quite kooky.

  • isnrblog

    You're right. I need to rethink the "kids born of Witnesses" stat.

    Fred www.isnrblog.com

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