A post-fall cursed earth?

by inkling 1 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • inkling

    Ok, so when the subject of pain and poison and predation comes up
    while talking to believers, a particular segment of the believer
    population (of a more literal/fundamentalist shade) will first
    attempt to downplay how much killing and gore there actually
    is in nature, and then what is left they often sweep away with
    a statement something like:

    "And you also have to remember that the earth and all life on
    it was cursed after the fall"

    Could someone who holds this view care to expound it, and maybe be
    prepared to defend it? I'm not looking for a fight, I'm trying to
    understand the worldview.

    You tell me what you actually believe, and then I may have more
    specific questions.


  • WTWizard
    "And you also have to remember that the earth and all life on
    it was cursed after the fall"

    This sounds like another specious line of crap from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger to keep people from thinking it through. They want people to not think of stuff like that, so they come up with those lies about blaming it on man's fall. Not explaining why the animals, who are amoral, deserve to suffer because of the beef between Jehovah Tyrant and Satan the Liberator.

    Or why the animals should have to suffer like this because man chose to use his brain.

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