Watch Tower Bullies Theft Society

by R.Crusoe 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • R.Crusoe

    Who would think inviting a JW into ones house was inviting them to steal away your family and friends?

    Who would have imagined JW s coming into your home was inviting them to steal your soul?

    Who do they think they are?

    Dictating life and afterlife on allcomers like some ruthless killer snatching dreams and love from all they choose and ruthlessly destroying lives of all they touch with their poisoned intent to subdue and enslave any they can deceive with their forked tongues!

    They have no place in a democracy! Why are they existing? How are they permitted the privelage of imagining they have eternal ownership of souls and convincing family of such garbage to your lifelong suffering for not adhering to all their weird doctrine?

    They deceivingly coax and subdue all they are able in their ploy to own and dictate mind control with divine punishments as their ultimate bully tactic till baptised and snared by their ruthless rulings!

    Should the WTBTS be permitted residence in a democracy?

  • Rapunzel

    R.Crusoe - The very same denunciations that you make against the Witnesses could also be made against any other religion. In other words, anyone who disapproves of a given religion might say exactly what you say. Besides, didn't Jesus explicitly say that he had come to divide families? Didn't he say that in order to follow him, people would have to hate other familiy members ["hate" in the sense of love them less than him]?

  • R.Crusoe


    You do not know their painful intent!

    You do not know their ownership of your own soul!

    You do not know your own complete vacancy of your god given mind!

    You do not know your inner self since it is stolen from you!

    I know your place and your love!

    If your mind ever sees the light they will burn you!

    And if your heart weeps they will turn up the gas!

  • WTWizard

    OK, let's get it straight with the prime rules. One shall not initiate the use of force, threat of force, coercion, or fraud against another person or their property.

    Does the Watchtower Society uphold this law? Anyone that uses threat of annihilation if one does not join is blatantly violating this law. They also defraud and coerce people into donating to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, ban people from cross-referencing their doctrine, or getting a decent education. All this to keep people in a defraudable condition. And, for this reason the witlesses do not have a place in society.

    As bad to worse, is when they are trying to mess with our laws to their favor. If they had their way, they would control ownership of everything on the planet. Everyone would belong to the Watchtower Society, as would everything. Property you already own would now belong to them. Right down to the computer you are using to view this message. They would also own knowledge (and I have seen from the Asleep! how they abuse that). Effectively, they want a Second Dark Ages. And there is no place in a democracy, or even a communist country, for a Second Dark Ages.

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