Watch Tower Rituals

by R.Crusoe 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • R.Crusoe

    All human groupings throughout our existence have had rituals and festivals and social gatherings to enhance and strengthen communities and frienship bonding. Most usually they are events humans look forward to and relax at!

    What WT events/rituals do the same for JWs?

    Did any help you totally chill?

    My personl feeling is every event carried angst and degrees of oppressive inner energies which drained my spirit!

  • Alpaca

    Right on Brother (and I mean that in the most positive, worldly sense of the word)!!!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The Fried Baloney Festival each Nisan 14 was always a heartwarming time for me.

  • Satanus

    I used to get a buzz at the beginnings of the assemblies. I think you could call assemblies a ritual.


  • R.Crusoe

    But did you feel the same buzz throughout the assembly or did some of it truly hack you off?

    I mean I recall, having young children to pacify and keep well cared for in the heat or summer became a nightmare and the talks were seriously sleep inducing to the point of me wondering how this was gods desire!

    I can't recall 'goodtimes' as a JW! The two things don't go together!

    Life and loving life is someplace else!

  • Satanus

    That was when i was a teenager and during my twenties. Sitting through those long sessions got tough. As well, after many yrs, i didn't get as much of a buzz. Towards the end of my wt time, assemblies didn't do it for me, no more.


  • megaflower

    Each Jan when they announced the dates for the dist conv I had such a feeling of dread. I could not stand the boring conventions. It use to bug me when I would get up to stretch my legs only to get approached by a Brother who would request that I sit down. HMMM- NO, and I would keep moving toward the corridor.

  • WTWizard

    I don't think I benefitted in any way, shape, or form from anything I did for the Puketower. Every week I would go to three different boasting sessions (and I am defining one boasting session as one trip to the Kingdumb Hell or a house, not as one part). Then I would go out in field circus, every Wednesday and Friday (because they knew I had those nights off). It was a drag that did not end, and I can honestly say there were no high points in all that mindless activity.

    The yearly festivals were also pxxx poor. There was the Big Boasting Session, which was a total waste of a day. The Great Boasting Session blew a whole weekend. Both were guaranteed headaches. And they all taught the exact same thing, with a few minor variations. For sure, it was not worth going.

    Then you had the REJECT Jesus Party. That was hyped up, to the point that they wanted everyone to pioneer during the surrounding months. Then you get there, and it is a hassle finding a seat. The talk was so boring, and then you watch a plate of stale crackers and a glass of spoiled grape juice go around the auditorium. Finally, you get a hounding program, and then have fun finding the exit and getting out before Brother Hounder catches you. And that's the biggest celebration of the whole year. If that is the most fun they have all year, I don't think it was worth it. I felt, after the second or third time through the same boring program, it was a total waste of time.

    The Grand Boasting Session wastes a three (or four) day weekend. These are trumped up, and there is so much bunk about the hotels and behavior. You are reminded to stay seated during the program and pay more than the usual attention (upon which it becomes the usual, and hence unacceptable). They want you to stay dressed up and keep your embarrassment badge on at all times between days. It too is a total waste of time to be there--after the first, they were all total letdowns and all clones of each other).

    With "fun" like that, it's a wonder so many are on antidepressants. Children are getting molested and the attackers protected. Even worse, they are keeping the members in the Second Dark Ages. If they have their way, they will assume control of everything and plunge the whole world into the Second Dark Ages, from which there is no hope of a Renaissance. Anyone that uses science to explain what they attribute to the demons will be stoned to death. (Or worse.) And I thought that the pedophile scandal was reason enough to call those name tags "embarrassment badges". I guess now they are super embarrassment badges.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Yea District Assemblies were a good break from the norm. Also I think Hall Builds almost everyone enjoyed.

  • oompa

    JW=FunKiller....much like my wife...............oompa

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