Need info from elders on elder visits

by buffalosrfree 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • buffalosrfree

    i had heard in the past that there are 3-5 questions one is asked that are considered death dealing questions. In that they show you don't buy all that they teach and that you have serious doubts and in fact you actually are trying to think for yourself for a change. I would appreciate anyone letting me know what those questions were.

  • nomoreguilt

    Well one I know for sure...Do you believe that the Gb and WTBTS are god's channel of communication to JW's today? Something like that.


  • Connaughty

    Please provide more information.

    What kind of meeting are you having with the Elders? Is for baptism?

  • buffalosrfree

    info isn't needed for a baptism, I got baptized 20 yerrs ago. need to know what they may ask i.e. do you believe the society is being used by jehovah? (i.e. he used an ass so he could have used that ass rutherford). that type of thing is what i am wondering?

  • AudeSapere

    Not sure, but I think they ask if you still consider yourself one of Jehovah's witnesses.

    That's tricky because if you say 'no', POOF you are DA'd by your own admission.

    If you say 'yes', then you have to submit to their oversight and direction.

    I know I've seen threads on this and they cited the questions. Just can't find them right now.

    Good luck! I hope it works out for you.


  • Connaughty

    I don't thing that you'll be plague with any questions.

    Some who are genuine may welcome you, and ask if you need a song book, or a WatchTower article.

    If you are not a regular attender, they won't bother you much. At least that's what happens at my congregation meetings.

    They are not out to get you, don't be afraid of them.

  • MeneMene

    My uncle brought the CO to see me one day (surprise visit) many years ago. I was a single parent with two small children; working full time and missing meetings. The CO started asking me questions about whether I thought the Society was the "truth". I answered the questions very generally and did not get myself DFed or DAed.

    At the time I did not realize what he was getting at. Much later I realized he was trying to get me to admit I did not believe it was the Truth so he could take action against me.

    Last year I had an elder visit while he was in field circus. He did not know I was an x-JW. I hit him with both barrels about the pedofiles. His question to me was did I believe the Society was the "Truth" & God's organization or some such. I just had to laugh. I told him that's what elders say when they want to kick you out. He left shortly.

    If they ask you specific questions like this, remember Theocratic Warfare is appropriate (i.e., if it's okay for them to use it against us, we can use it back to them).

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