God overthrown by the Watch Tower

by Hiddenwindow 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hiddenwindow

    The level of arrogance of the Watch Tower has no limits. In Genesis 18:23-33 we find Abraham trying to reason or even negotiate with God. This is something you cannot even dream of doing with the Governing Body. In many instances, you send a letter with a simple question to Brooklyn and they advice the Elders of your congregation of your inquisitive nature. A simple publisher trying to reason with the overwhelmingly powerful Governing Body? Never! If you have questions or any reasoning to do, direct it to a lower authority: Jehovah.

  • BizzyBee

    Yeah, Jehoover is just a worn-out hand puppet that the GB manipulates. Why does He put up with them?

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Wow. Well put. 'Pray about it, God has time to listen to your silly questions, we do not.'

    Love it.

  • VM44

    The Watchtower is not interested in answering people's questions and certainly does not encourage people to do research using non-Watchtower publications.

    The Watchtower is only interested in keeping the Organization (or Organism!) going and preferably growing.

    The Watchtower requires its followers to believe only what is published in its books and magazines without question under the penalty of being disfellowshiped!

    This is why it is impossible to reason with or to present one's own research to The Watchtower, they could care less what an individual says or has discovered, the only thing that matters to them is what they teach in THE WATCHTOWER!

    The only recourse for a person is to leave, wiping the dust from their shoes.

  • Borgia

    VM44, so true: He did not even took any measure to answer Jobs questions....He just ranted about where Job was when he created the earth. How's that for an answer....

    Is it any wonder that his most loyal fateful and desecrate slave does the same?



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