JW's woefully inept track record on anything medical

by The Oracle 4 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    I just wrote this in an email to a good friend of mine, and I liked the logic so I thought I'd share....

    Imagine what an ass you would feel like if you refused to vaccinate your children back in the 50's based on WT policy and one of your kids contracted one of the incurable diseases that vaccines prevent? No thanks. I WON'T drink that kool-aid. The WT track record on medical advice based on their interpretation of scripture is woefully inept. It changes, as modern science proves their advice to be deadly, The only one they haven't really backed down on fully yet is blood, although God knows they are trying to float out every loophole imaginable (ie you can take fractions) However, the honorable thing to do, if they REALLY wanted to save lives and prevent suffering - would be to renounce their policy and make taking ANY blood transfusion a private decision and a conscience matter. Just based on their own track record of flip flopping it would be the right thing to do. Their track record proves they CAN BE WRONG. So why mess with people lives? The WT is basically saying "We were wrong on all those other medical policies but we are FOR SURE RIGHT when it come to refusing to take whole blood." Yeah, right. Butchers of Brooklyn.... Stop the madness. The Oracle

  • SirNose586

    Don't forget about C. J. Woodworth's campaign against aluminum!

  • MissingLink

    1937 Cure for cancer was pretty awesome.

  • flipper

    THE ORACLE - If the brass upper echelons of Brooklyn's governing bodies consciences aren't pricked by destroying lives by letting innocent children keep getting abused by child abuse , and allowing pedophiles free roaming privileges to congregations of their choosing from state to state , what makes us think they will have their consciences pricked by allowing children to die from not getting blood transfusions ? In my humble opinion, they couldn't give a rat's a$$ . They are about their power and control- nothing else P.S. Oracle - They are not humble enough to let go of the control they have on members. But it is a nice thought on your part - but I feel it is a dream they will change !

  • blondie

    And don't forget Radio Biola.


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