mother just had jws at the door, they said that abuse is now reported to

by looloo 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • looloo

    the police ! this was not an elder , but he said the rules changed sometime ago ! thats odd because i rang bethel london a few days ago and the nice guy that i spoke to regarding our situation , said that in england and some of the states in america it is not the law to report to the police ! do you think that the ordinary dubs just presume that all abuse is reported to the police because that is the right thing to do ? what is the defanition of a child abuse coverup in the eyes of a jw , is it when it does not get reported to the police ?

  • DT

    I often hear Witnesses claim that certain situations are handled a certain way. It's part of their mind control. They think they have the true religion, so they naturally assume that things are handled appropriately. This makes the facts of the pedophilia scandal very devastating, if we can only get them to look at them with an open mind.

  • looloo

    can anyone think of anything usefull to say in a letter to the governing body on this subject ?

  • garybuss

    Sometimes Witnesses I know might leave out some information once in a while. If all abuse is reported . . is that all proven abuse? or all evidence of abuse? or all allegations of abuse? or all suspicions of abuse?

    I'd want clarification on that.

  • ninja

    looloo where do you stay in the UK?

  • SPAZnik

    people who put their implicit trust in the WTS handling things appropriately (in a spiritual sense)

    are like little children who put implicit trust in their parents infallibility

    i guess we each come of age at our own pace.

  • Superslave

    I know they don't report every case. They are still hiding pedophiles in the congregations. Its all about protecting the name of their God and the borg.

    They leave their God to sort out the victims.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    The society made a statement on their website concerning the recent NBC jw child abuse episode.

    IN it they stated they report in the states that require them to do so. So this is proof, straight from the horses mouth.

    My sis is one of those JW's that insisted that the society now always report. When I showed her the societys statement, she pretended it was nothing and said, "im glad you found the answer to your question"

    I had to email her back and point out that it wasn't "a question I had", it was a statement I was making and that she denied. Now i had proof to back up my statement.

    Previously she had vehemently insisted that the society always report, after I showed her proof, in suddenly became a non-issue to her.

  • looloo

    ninja , cant tell you that , far too risky !

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