Pink Shirt News story

by belbab 4 Replies latest social current

  • belbab

    Yesterday, the date Feb 27, was named wear pink day in British Columbia.

    It seems a boy at a Nova Scotia school was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school.

    Two grade twelve students started a protest against bullying by buying up a bunch of pink shirts, and wearing them to school and started a trend.

    Yesterday in BC, the news announcers, weatherman etc. all wore pink ties or shirts or jackets. Government leaders also were photographed wearing pink.

    Everybody is tickled pink, to see a protest against bullying.

    I can just see it----

    Mom, can I wear a pink shirt to school today?


    By wearing it I am making a protest against bullying.

    I don't know son, we will have to ask the elders. you know we are no part of the world.

  • Hope4Others

    I saw that news clip, it takes alot to be different. Kids have it pretty rough in school these days.

    I don't know son, we will have to ask the elders. you know we are no part of the world.

    And ain't that the truth! No pun intended.


  • chickpea

    what an amazing enterprise and what a delight to realize that a righteous stand was taken by "worldly" kids!!

    upcoming on 25 april in the US is a similar student-generated movement "day of silence" (anti-LGBT bullying).... i am TOTALLY supporting my daughter in her efforts to bring it to her school and to participate.....

  • belbab

    Thanks Chickpea and Hope4Others for being aware and awake to the bullying issues in today's society.

    I punched color therapy into google and came up with a bunch of results. Here are a couple of quotes.

    There has been some very interesting and hopeful colour therapy work carried out with children with special needs . At San Bernardino County Probation Department in California aggresive and violentchildren are put in an 8 foot by 4 foot enclosure painted bubble gum pink. Apparently after 10 minutes or so of this colour therapy the children calm down, stop rampaging about and usually fall asleep. The effect appears to last for some time. Even the colour-blind are apparently tranquilized bypink rooms!

    Also this article: Color therapy and your wardrobe.

    Wearing pink conveys compassion and an open heart.
    Most people associate pink with babies, little girls, and feminine energies. But more than feeling feminine, wearing pink conveys compassion and an open heart. When people are wearing pink, whether they are male or female, they appear approachable and capable of loving others. If you want to feel heart-connected reach for that pastel pink sweater from your closet to wear. And if pastel colors don't suit you try on something in bright fuchsia. You'll feel pretty in pink.

    Perhaps bullies would benefit from a surrounding sea of pink around them. So methinks would Jehovah's in-your-face Witnesses.


  • Hope4Others

    I was reading quite a few years ago that correctional facilities were experimenting with aggressive prisoners by putting them in a pink room. As you found 10 minutes seems to calm, but this study shows after 20 they had become aggressive again. It was interesting I wish I could find it again.

    Reading your story, I see that you had smuggled for the society. I met this sister long time ago her name was Olga she smuggled things into Russia, she had quite the stories they were touching and scary. What people have sacrificed for the Wt. I would be delighted to hear some of your experiences.


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