I Am Worried

by StAnn 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • StAnn

    Hello, All -

    I'm pretty new here so forgive me if this has been discussed and I just haven't found it.

    I read so many comments about how the WT is tightening its grip on the Dubs. I read a lot of comments about "kool-aid" and the impending demise of the WT and all the scandals. I am becoming worried about my Dub family.

    Do you think it's probable that there could really be a "kool-aid" moment where the GB decides that, instead of waiting on the tribulation and Armageddon, it's time to "rescue" the remaining believers from this system of things? It seems they're getting almost panicky. Given that the new light is coming so quickly that the light is flickering on and off, it seems the GB is unable to keep a tight grip on the members. I don't think the GB would allow themselves to lose complete control.

    Is paranoia within the GB escalating to the point that it could lead to a tragic climax?

  • slimboyfat

    No. Apostates on here need to calm down a bit before they get carried away with themselves.

    There are signs that the Witnesses are becoming slightly more authoritarian on issues such as frowning on further education and so on.

    But there is a longer term trend of Jehovah's Witnesses seeking a more amicable relationship with the outside world.


  • Hortensia

    There are too many JWs for the governing body to have that much control. I don't think you need to worry about a kool-aid moment as far as the group is concerned.

  • bigmouth

    No Stan n ;), The Kool Aid thing is just a metaphor for the mind control the borg has over most members. That they'll believe whatever the GB tells them. Mass suicide doesn't fit inside the Witness envelope.

    However I do think that the borg will tighten its control of peoples lives with fear of destruction to the point where in, say, 50 years it will be a 'Brethren' type of community made up of the nervous, frail and feeble-minded. Outsiders will cease to join.

    Belated welcome to you too.


  • Awakened07

    There have been countless speculative threads on here about this, kinda like "If the Watchtower literally told them to jump off a bridge, would they do it?".

    Some here seem to think so, and perhaps even a few would. I think though that it won't come to that. One can point to the no-blood doctrine as an example that they don't mind playing games with people's lives, so why not, but it seems they are becoming aware of what a mess-up that whole thing has been, and are trying to ease their way out of it. If they could easily get out of it and simply say "new light reveals that we can take blood", I think they'd do it. As it is, there would be an uproar because of all the lives lost, there would be court cases etc.

    That said, there does seem to be a 'tightening' of doctrine, but it's not any worse than it's been in the past - we're just not so used to it now. Read Watchtowers from the 40's and 50's and I think you'd be frightened. No "Kool-Aid drinking" occurred then, and I doubt it will happen now.

    I wouldn't worry about it at least. Their rhetoric may become stronger and more pointed, but I think it's done in an effort to "throw JWs a bone", keep telling them it's close and why, and basically keep them on their toes and in line.

    At worst, I think perhaps they'll become more conservative and more cult-like in the sense that most forms of entertainment will be at least frowned upon, if not banned. People not 100% into all parts of the 'service' will be looked down upon etc. I don't think it'll get worse than that, although it's bad enough I guess. Combine that with a constant fear of imminent world destruction (because they do fear it, even though they think they'll probably survive), creates a bunch of neurotics. Not such a good thing.

    So... I'm not sure what my conclusion is here. I don't think they'll be asked to do something crazy, but at the same time, the coming years will probably be harder on them.

  • Anti-Christ

    I agree with Awaken. I think the WT is a more of a hybrid cult. They are weird and controlling but they remain a part of society. Doing something so drastic would not be good publicity. I do think that the world around us is changing so fast and information is so much more accessible then in the 50-60's that the WT has a hard time keeping control.

  • StAnn

    Thank you for all of your replies. I've been out so long that all the newer developments seem shocking to me. It seems ridiculously more restrictive than I remember, but memories do cloud facts, don't they? Those of you who are closer to it would know better than I if it's actually becoming so destructive that there's impending doom. Thank you for easing my fears.

  • blondie

    Very few jws would be "obedient" enough to go the "koolaid" route. That is why the articles are so strong on the rank and file being obedient to the WTS, they aren't being obedient. The COs job is to check up on their "obedience" and DOs check up on the obedience of the COs, and yearly (or twice yearly) the COs and DOs are called into Patterson for the WTS to make sure they are "obedient."

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