On-line Resource Material in Languages Other Than English

by Rapunzel 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rapunzel

    My question is: How much material exists on line in languages other than English for ex-Jehovah's Witnesses and people doing research on the Witnesses organization? Of course, there is now an extremely vast amount of such research and reference material in English on the Internet; then again, English is - at present - the predominant language used on the Internet in general. But does anyone know the situation in regard to languages other than English?. I ask this question because it seems that, in general, the Witnesses are experiencing nearly stagnant growth - and even a decline in numbers - in most developed English-speaking nations, while showing the most growth in other developing nations. As the Internet makes inroads into these societies, things can only take a turn for the worst as far as the organization's power and influence over the people is concerned. So, does anyone have any idea of the resources available to people who speak languages other than English?

  • hamilcarr

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