Change Of Interests From Year to Year while an NGO through the DPI

by betweenworlds 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • betweenworlds

    This is in regards to a question from another thread regarding the watchtowers knowledge of things that were going while they were and NGO through the DPI

    Here are some great links from Randys site Freeminds showing they were fully aware of what was going on, and that their interests changed every few years.

    Notice how the interests changed from one year to the next!

    They were fully aware of everything that was going on, as they had to reapply every few years!



  • AudeSapere

    This is a very interesting find. I did not know this until I saw your comment yesterday in another post.

    I'm glad you started a new thread as it will make it easier to find in the future.

    Also, hopefully more will see this info now.



  • betweenworlds

    Hey Aude!

    You're very welcome. Randy's site is a treasure trove of info! Here's the URL for the main page with the UN info:


  • Hiddenwindow

    Thanks, Betweenworlds. I keep asking myself what was really the ultimate goal of the WT with this association. I am sure we will eventually know. Will it take another member of the GB to become apostate for us to get all the facts?


  • betweenworlds

    Maybe they considered it a 'Theocratic Warfare' Tactic and were trying to get inside info? Maybe? Or Perhaps were trying to use their status as an NGO to get into areas where preaching wasn't allowed? Dunno! But what I DO know is that we weren't allowed to use the pool at the YMCA and that still frosts my cookies to think of the their hypocritical statement 'We were only member for the library card!' welllll we only wanted to be members of the Y for the water! lol


  • Watkins

    Thank you SO much for those links! I hadn't really looked at that site for a long time, but several years ago I devoured it. A GREAT site that lets the literature speak for itself. Lots more rusty nails!

    Speaking of the literature - I wonder if their alliance with the UN/NGO program was to fight for their 'right' to ship and distribute what most countries consider cult and anti-government propaganda - the WT literature? They sure weren't anywhere building KHs unless the cash and free-labor slaves are available. They don't provide food or material aid, I mean it's a publishing company and it's main concern is, logically, to sell books and literature. Why can't they just tell the truth? Atheists can tell the truth - pagans can tell the truth, even Catholics can tell the truth! (no offense to any atheists, pagans or Catholics, it's WT's thing, not mine!)

    And speaking of liars ---- this is what a Circuit Overseer told me, verbatim, near as I can recall:

    me: What can you tell me about this UN/NGO association the WT had for 10 years?

    co: Don't know what you're talking about.

    me:[short explanation of how it couldn't have been a 'mistake' because it's documented that someone had to re-apply year to year, all the time I was having to hold back from shouting " get out of my house you LIAR!"] so, I heard the elders received a letter explaining that it was all for "a library card". You didn't read or hear about it? [what is he an idiot? EVERYthing is online now. Oh right, theocratic warfare. LIARS!]

    co: no, but if it's true, a library card sounds like a good reason to me! What's wrong with that? We need that information to keep awake in these times and feed the sheep. Have you ever been to New York and seen the United Nations building? It has a beautiful fountain in the middle. The library alone is a font of information like no other in the world! [I could NOT believe what he was saying, really. I'm sure I glazed over a time or 2, and you can probably imagine the pregnant pauses.]

    me: no I'll probably never go to New York for any reason. But about the card, I don't think it was a good reason because, you see, you or I could go online or in person and become members of the Dag-whatsis library. It's not something one is required to be, as they say officially, "associated with the UN as a Non- Governmental Organisation through the Department of Public Information". {it sounded like I knew what I was talking about anyway - LOL It takes some effort to speak in WT-ese after you know the tatt, too]

    co: oh, well......anyone can fake anything on the internet - you can't trust anyone - they must be apostates! look, they spelled a word wrong! I'd throw that out just for that misspelled word! Some people hate us so much and are in such opposition to God's true people - they're jealous! [then he made a big deal of it being a NON-governmental association, and I'm thinking - if it's fake, what's the difference you LIAR! ]

    me: I copied that from the UN's own site, and the misspelling is unfortunate, but doesn't invalidate the facts. To be an NGO is as close to being 'a member' of the UN as a religion can get. Look, I think, maybe, the real reason is the society needed entry and acceptance in certain lands to preach, and the UN provided 'muscle' and 'influence'. [ thinking the dreaded 'political muscle' and 'worldly influence']

    co: that sounds reasonable! What's wrong with that? [by this point it was hard to maintain my doe-eyed innocent look of one only 'troubled and questioning my 'faith'' ]

    me: hmmm, well, is the UN still considered to be 'the beast' of Revelation, friend of Satan and all that?

    co: yes, so? [at least he didn't say 'what's wrong with that?' ]

    me: So! So I can't imagine ANY reason or excuse good enough to make this Ok in God's eyes - his 'woman' dallying with His worst enemy! his own people 'going down to Egypt' as it were - or - maybe the 'weeds' of Jesus' parable are in the writing department and still in the field with the 'wheat', making these 'mistakes'?

    co: oh, no - that was settled long ago and the evil slave was removed from Jehovah's pure people.[ referrencing the Bible Students so-called ouster]

    then we got off on how the Bible Students haven't vanished from the face of the earth nor were they magically morphed into Jehovah's Witnesses like I'd been taught and [other] things. I allowed the diversion because I didn't want to hear him lie anymore. I imagine I was seen as a lost cause, already knew too much, too de-programmed. Yaaaaaah! The elder with him has 'washed his hands' of me and I thought I heard them dusting off their feet as they departed! but they don't bother me any more. Evidently a different elder has been assigned my 'case', Lol.

    All this time has past, so many opportunities to really come clean. That's Ok though, they show what they are very plainly. They DON'T represent God in ANY way, and I also plea with the other posters to anyone reading - please realize that the WT god is not our Father God. They've slandered Him disgracefully.


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