
by FiveShadows 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • FiveShadows

    Hi me again! does anyone have any really emotional provoking pictures pertaining to the concept of 'disfellowshipment' ... that I may be able to use for my essay? They don't have to be real, they can be cartoonish... Something like a women in tears while the witnesses throw her out...or something like that...I will have to have a link to give it credit on my work cited page or else i can't really use it. The only other way i can see that working is if you were to include your name or the original artists name , that way i can include it under work cited as 'Painting 1 by John Smith' or whatever...The pictures can be sad, depressing, painful, ...just as long as they're pertaining to the issue of disfellowshiping. And if possible, I guess one picture pertaining to the organizations fantasy world that's painted ..(sadly reminds me of that movie 'the island' ) .."good" or "bad" pictures welcome! Thank you guys!


  • worldtraveller

    Hang around near a money mart in the morning and ask a witness for some rags. Plenty of depressing pix in them.

  • FiveShadows

    lol yes but i have no time!

  • FiveShadows

    OH! if you guys find them on websites ...please please please include the webaddress, i need it for the work cited, or else the picture is useless. Anything that i don't give credit for ...takes me down points and a cna't use it unless i know there's a source: website, book, database. etc...

  • betterdaze

    There was a WT article in the past year or so, "When Children Leave Jehovah."

    The image of the JW parents removing their [spiritually dead] son's picture from the wall speaks volumes.


  • MsMcDucket

    Last year, someone recorded an *elder's meeting regarding disfellowship*. Do some research utilizing the JWD search.

  • betterdaze

    The actual title is, "When a Loved One Leaves Jehovah" — September 1, 2006


    The article with pictures, but *not* the one I mentioned:

    The *exact picture* I was speaking of is not there. Perhaps it was on the cover? Maybe it was a similar article in the same time frame. I have *way* too many publications to dig through, but still get the mags, so I know I have a hard copy. Give me a few days and I can probably locate it for you.

    Gentle readers of JWD, please help? I know I saw this picture in the last year or so, because it really sickened me to my heart and stomach that parents were graphically suggested to take down pictures of disfellowshipped children. Even when children really do pass away, normal parents keep their pictures up!

    It was like an unwritten dictate from the Borg to remove all traces of the evil "loved one" from your home, and the parents were doing it together in unity. SICK.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can find/scan/post it.


  • Snoozy

    Will this work?

    It is from this site...on shunning.


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