Connecting the Dots...

by Dead Man Joaquin 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Dead Man Joaquin
    Dead Man Joaquin

    OK, let's take a moment to review recent WT shenanigans:

    1) Sunday's WT study re-emphasized yet again the importance of obedience to and trust in good ol' Faithy Discreety McSlaveypants, mentioning the high likelihood of "detailed instructions" coming soon to a KH near you.

    2) Yet more Bethel layoffs.

    3) The new Kool-Aid Edition of the WT. April's issue brings out the worst of the WT in full glory. The higher-education-bashing, the counsel against having kids in this system, etc...

    4) The recent refutation by WT spokesman Richard Devine that the 4-towers project (can anybody say COMPOUND?) has been cancelled. (See above link).

    5) Continued tightening of the screws on personal freedoms, i.e. detailed instructions in a recent KM regarding meeting procedure, the infamous don't-use-any-study-tools-but-ours KM, the 30-minute talk (so as to reduce "personal interjections" by the speaker and more rigidly conform to the outline).

    Am I just paranoid, or is the solution to the above math equation looking more and more like Jonesville or Waco? The WT knows that, with the proliferation of the Internet, they cannot survive another 1975 without major upheaval. So are they going to back up the apparent "buckling down for the GT" by ensuring that it really happens this time... by forcing the hand of Jehovah?

    Your thoughts please?

  • Gopher

    I think they actually don't have a real plan other than to maximize their real-estate investments and to keep tight control of their rank-and-file.

    They have no "1975" doctrine up their sleeves any more to energize their organization. They're just using endless repetition of the same mantra over and over (loyalty to the organization, put our "kingdom" first above personal interests) with the hope that they can keep most of their members and grow enough to keep donations coming in.

  • Rooster
  • Dead Man Joaquin
    Dead Man Joaquin

    The thing is, WT growth is slowing to a trickle and they KNOW that soon the only source of growth will be Dubs reproducing themselves. So why would they counsel against Dubs reproducing themselves? I'm tellin' ya, the handwriting is on the wall and they see it... their ace-in-the-hole could be a staged Armageddon/GT. Oh, and did I forget to mention the selling off of property right and left and the losing or settling out of courts lawsuits likely in the millions of dollars?

  • Jim_TX

    Well... whether it happens or not - has yet to be seen...

    But! I have been saying all along that the ONE day of the year when they get the most in attendance - when they can implement their 'kool-aid' scheme is...

    The memorial. Yup... and folks who do not profess to be JWs anymore... who are 'faders'... continue to attend this dangerous meeting where the 'powers in the towers' could implement an 'all in attendance partake' policy. Jonestown revisited.

    Of course... that's just my .02 worth.


    Jim TX

  • oompa
    Dead Man:

    The thing is, WT growth is slowing to a trickle and they KNOW that soon the only source of growth will be Dubs reproducing themselves. So why would they counsel against Dubs reproducing themselves? I'm tellin' ya, the handwriting is on the wall and they see it... their ace-in-the-hole could be a staged Armageddon/GT. Oh, and did I forget to mention the selling off of property right and left and the losing or settling out of courts lawsuits likely in the millions of dollars?

    Reproduction can really help...look at the mormans....Waco or Jonesville can NOT happen IMO. There are just too many, and too many relatives that would stop it. Is it really slowing to a trickle? How would we know? Surely we can not trust their numbers. Here our halls are packed, splitting congos, and like four congos per hall..................................................oompa

  • Gopher
    The memorial. Yup... and folks who do not profess to be JWs anymore... who are 'faders'... continue to attend this dangerous meeting where the 'powers in the towers' could implement an 'all in attendance partake' policy. Jonestown revisited.

    Now c'mon Jim from TX. You know that only ANOINTED ONES can partake at the Memorial. Only a few thousand would drink the Kool-Aid or Flavor-Aid or whatever.

    Unless they tell EVERYBODY that they can be anointed. Then you'd have quite a drinking party at the Memorial.

  • Dead Man Joaquin
    Dead Man Joaquin

    All I can tell you is, the phrase "detailed instructions" sent shivers down my spine. Or maybe, are they doing all this increasingly cultish stuff to test organizational loyalty, i.e. an induced "sifting" to push the fence-sitteres over the edge?

  • Jim_TX
    "Unless they tell EVERYBODY that they can be anointed. Then you'd have quite a drinking party at the Memorial."

    This is EXACTLY the scenario that I am envisioning - and that no one seems to understand!

    You see... ALL JWs are taught to not question. To simply obey. Here... have a sip of Kool-Aid.

    Oh. And for those that aren't thirsty... see the attendants at the door - the ones with the 9mm pistols.


    Jim TX

    P.S. Oompa - it's 'Jonestown' - not 'Jonesville'.

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