Went to the Carribeans...and here's my story.

by tan 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • tan

    Been back for 3 weeks now, but wanted to share a story. My companion and I took a cruise. It was awesome. On the last day of the cruise as we're leaving the dining area he sees a planner book. He opens the zipper and to our amusement we find the following:

    Revelation Book, Bible, Tracts, Latest copy of Watchtower & Awake, Song book, and Kingdom Ministry.

    How much time do you think they put down for the 6 day trip? Or the placement for the month. We left the mess there and laughed our way off the ship. Of all people, we'd find it.

    By the way I've been out for a long time (the first time 7 years & at present 3 1/2 years); but he is an ex-elder out for over 30 years now.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Great story Tan and congratulations on getting on with life.

    I've heard if you check out the day-to-day activity calendar (or whatever it's called) many cruises will show a "JW Watchtower Study group" or something similiar. I know a few local dubs who have participated in these things.

    My loyal-JW wife swears that if we ever go on a cruise she does NOT want to go with other dubs. Nor does she have any desire to attend the onboard "WT Study" and end up having nosy dubs looking over her shoulder for the rest of the cruise.

    There may be hope for her yet.


  • tan

    Yuk!!! I would not go on vacation with a bunch of bible thumpers! A vacation is a VACATION!!!

  • babygirl75
    I've heard if you check out the day-to-day activity calendar (or whatever it's called) many cruises will show a "JW Watchtower Study group" or something similiar.

    I've never seen this on the daily activity log that the ships leave on your bed each night. This is probably something the dubs that went together, got together and did like in the library on the ship. My parents are very active JW's and they go on a cruise at least 2-3 times a year and I've never heard them discuss this. My family went this past September and I didn't see anything regarding any religion.

  • primitivegenius

    can you say........... planner OVERBOARD.................splash

  • worldtraveller

    I would have wandered over to the gift shop and purchased a cross with Jesus on it and a note saying only "repent" and dropped it in the bag. I wonder what they would have thought discovering a cross?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    on my last cruise in November we went to Belize. During the tour of the city they pointed out the Kingdom hall as we passed it. I thought it odd. But Belize is very poor and they point out any building that is not falling apart

  • Connaughty

    I have been on a few cruises, and met a few of JW's friends on them. It also was pleasant to meet different people from different locations. When I spoke with them, I couldn't help but notice the same hassles that plague them as with all of the ones in the ORG. Don't get me wrong now, I met some really good friends and they were very pleasant to meet, but, they did have some pet peeves about some things in the ORG. It's strange that some would spend their vacation time to count field service. That isn't the idea behind a successful vacation. You're supposed to forget reality, that is to a certain respect, and have fun.

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