
by R.Crusoe 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • R.Crusoe

    Maybe I'm nuts but I'm gonna post it coz if I am nuts I would anyway!

    It occured to me that when one feels spiritually energised it may be quite possible to be lulled into celebratory mood and overdo, say a glass of sherry, awakening depleted the following day and so spoiling the previous days work!
    So I thought it may be a good idea to see if we could pick examples of each for meditation.
    Maybe it would help us be (me especially) more conscious of things that harm our core energy.

    So for me:

    Meditating on the Moon = Energiser
    Alcohol past 1 glass = Depleter

    More of me (my habits past habits and profile)and ones associated with each other:
    Fun Social Chatting=Energiser
    Singing in a pub=Energiser
    Family calling round=Energiser
    Organised Religion=Depleter
    No Exercise=Depleter
    Female empath=Energiser
    Female judger=Depleter

    As you know sense is rarely common
    I was in deep searching mode when I wrote the above so I trust myself that it is excellent territory!!
    If anyone wishes to privately pen the above type of excercise for themselves they may see themselves from a slightly different vantage point and also an excellent concise reference about what helps buid up their core IMO. Here is how it could be developed:

    Take the following:For me some I interact with online and privately have effects on me as follows:
    XXXXXXXX=Mainly Energiser/PartialDepleter.

    XYZ unidentified due to MY negative evaluations!

    And maybe some would change with time but it is helpful I think to look at ones own Circles of Energy and Depletion for ones life in order to consciously strengthen ones core when their influence is felt!

    Me only hit upon this as a whim as with much of me! lol
    But as I did so I realised it may be excellent for you all - or anyone - and I hope it is - otherwise no damage done from my goodwill I hope?

    And it could even be extended as a business exercise or whatever - it is a powerful tool methinks!! As ever free as nature! It only makes sense after you try it for yourself but its so quick it helps you isolate things which bring you up or down!

    I found a group of online Wiccans (never met them) who can help me energise myself otherwise it would just maybe depress me more!

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