Full Tom Cruise Scientology Video (38 min)

by mavie 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • mavie

    This has surfaced on German Google video and is linked at Factnet. I wonder if JW's would watch this and feel a little creeped out?


    Another Cruise video surfaces…

    01/18/2008 06:04:27 PM PST

    It’s raining creepy Tom Cruise videos!

    Yet another Cruise Scientology video has surfaced. In this one, he’s seen blasting psychiatrists and the Environmental Protection Agency while aggressively promoting a controversial detox program that Scientologists created for police and firefighters who worked at ground zero after the 9/11 terrorists attacks in New York.

    *news editors note: In the time I recieved this and got to post this article, the video had already been pulled from YouTube.(approx. 30 minutes. So you can see the Scientologists have hackers dedicated to this mission) You can see more Tom Cruise/Scientology videos HERE

    Here is a video of Cruise at the 2004 Scientology Awards Show where Tom Cruise was awarded the “Freedom Medal of Valor”. The guy who gives him the medal is David Miscavige, Scientology’s top boss. (By the way, according to Andrew Morton’s latest book, Tom Cruise is actually No. 2 in Scientology’s hierarchy, right after David Miscavige.) Apart from the usual cult speak and paramilitary demeanor etc, the video has been criticized in Germany for resemblances between Tom Cruise asking “So what do you say, we gonna clean this place up?” –> “Yeaaaah!”, and Joseph Goebbels (Hitler’s Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda) shouting “I ask you: Do you want total war?” –> “Jaaaaa!” in his infamous 1943 Sportpalast speech.
    Part one HERE
    Part two HERE

    Comments posted at YouTube: This is part 2 of a 38 minute video which most people have never seen the entirety of. The rest must be seen to get the overall context. The other parts have been removed by Youtube but I think this video is now popular enough to be in the public domain because of news broadcasts and media coverage. Please visit the mirrors below and try to spread/re-upload it to various places so the public and newsmedia can see the entire 38 minutes of this video.

    This is the Scientology Awards Show where the famous Tom Cruise clip originated from. This is 38 minutes and much more revealing. They actually claim that after 9/11, Cruise helped remove purple toxins from firefighters!!! Spread this video and keep it alive.

    The full 38 minute version is mirrored here also as one file.
    As in the first video, the footage shows Cruise intensely and aggressively pushing Scientology. The New York Post reported that in one segment of the video, a narrator says of Cruise, “If he takes a stand, it’s pedal to the metal till the finish line, as in helping New York firemen (after 9/11). He first saw the dust and heard the cough when descending to the ruins, where he bolstered morale among firemen. The devastation had spread an unprecedented combination of toxins through the air — and it was lethal.”

    Cruise adds, “The EPA came out and said the air was clean. Of course, as a Scientologist, you go, ‘That’s a lie, an outright lie. … You know, you just go, ‘Liar. Fine.’”

    The narrator then adds that Cruise “personally saw to the establishment of a first New York-covered detox project. And, no, he did not ask permission.”

    If he had, he likely would not have received it. The program, which employs saunas and megadoses of vitamins, has proved controversial with many city officials, including Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who have called it a quack scheme designed primarily to recruit people to Scientology.

    Like another video that surfaced this week, this one appeared on several Web sites but was later removed by some, reportedly in response to threats of legal action from Scientology officials. Both clips surfaced as Andrew Morton’s unauthorized biography of Cruise hit book stores. It is not known how they got released.


  • SirNose586



    This is scary. It's like a JW convention....same sloganeering, same "urgency," just replacing "FDS" with "LRH."

  • truman

    Thanks for putting this up. I had already watched the short excerpt, but seeing the whole thing in context was even scarier. The most striking thing about TC is the fact that literally nothing he said, not during the filmed portions nor to the crowd in person, had any substance at all. His manner was that of a glassy-eyed cult member if I ever saw one. I feel sorry for him. It is apparent that he feels the pull of that same treadmill we exjws all rode--the one that keeps turning up the speed. No matter how fast you run, it is never fast enough. I must do more, do more, do more.

  • SirNose586

    I could imagine a younger CO or DO or Bethelite speaking as David Miscaivige did. It seems like Scientologists take a different route to brainwashing....JWs will dull you to sleep...while Scientologists want to look slick, hip, and full of energy.

    "LRH tech" = "The Truth"

    "Now is the time..." = "Armageddon At Hand"

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Just marking so I can watch the video tomorrow. Thanks, Mavie.

  • mavie

    The alleged purple toxins that came out of the NYC firemen though Tom's detoxification program is suspect. They pump you full of vitamins then send you to a sauna. Of course your body is going to sweat it out.

    The 'do more' mentality were all over David and Tom's speeches. "When your head hits the pillow you better know you did all you could" could have been lifted from a CO talk.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    KSW!!!! or DIE!

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