Random Taste of Perfume

by Nosferatu 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    I figured I'd ask here since I can't seem to find any answers on the net.

    Occasionally, I will suddenly taste perfume in my mouth. It's not even a mild taste, it's pretty strong. Then it goes away. At first, I thought it was caused by the air fresheners in the bathroom at work, but I had it happen while I was driving.

    I did a net search, and all I could find was info on sweet, fruity, bitter, and metallic taste. Never a perfume.

    Does anyone have an idea of what might be causing this, or could point me in the right direction?

  • Scully

    If there is no external source, it's probably a good idea to go to the doctor and have yourself checked. There may be something neurological happening with the cranial nerve that is responsible for your sense of taste.

    If it is what is known as a gustatory hallucination, it may be related to petit mal seizures/epilepsy.

    Try keeping a tracking log for a while to document dates and times, duration of the episode, rating the intensity of the taste on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = very mild, barely noticable up to 10 = overwhelming, saturating your mouth, extremely disturbing to your routine), describe what you were doing in the time leading up to the event.

    Also, get your blood sugar tested. One of the symptoms of unchecked diabetes is fruity, perfumy odour to the breath.

  • Nosferatu

    I donated blood on Boxing Day, wouldn't have any of this shown up?

    It's also not a fruity taste. It's more of a chemical taste.

  • arwen

    Some medications can cause a metallic taste in your month. Even the anitbiotic Biaxin has that side effect. Are you on any meds at all? or vitamins? It would be a good idea to mention it to a doctor as it could be a sign of an illness.

  • Junction-Guy

    There are some perfumes that I can actually taste in my mouth--Estee Lauder Beautiful is one of them, and they dont even have to be close by for that to happen. Mom was upstairs in grandma's 2 story house and putting on that perfume. I could taste it in my mouth downstairs.

  • nvrgnbk

    A poster requested that I place the following on this thread, as they were temporarily out of posts:

    A fruity odor to the breath occurs as the body attempts to get rid of excess acetone through the breathing. This is a characteristic sign of ketoacidosis, which may occur in diabetes, and is a potentially life-threatening condition.

    They need to know this right away.

    I don't know of the accuracy of the statement, but it seems to be in agreement with Scully's advice.



  • hillbilly

    what kind of dental fillings do you have if any? Id go and get your surgar checked like Skully said to.


  • stillajwexelder

    A fruity odor to the breath occurs as the body attempts to get rid of excess acetone through the breathing. This is a characteristic sign of ketoacidosis, which may occur in diabetes, and is a potentially life-threatening condition.

    I am out of posts and this person needs to know this. Thank you. Tula

  • Nosferatu

    Well, I've been meaning to make a Dr. appointment for a bit now. I guess this is the right time to do it.

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