Q for pagans: Reincarnation

by White Dove 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    You know that saying "As above, so below?" Well, I've been thinking of how the little insect seems to have little brain power (low IQ or something) but the larger the animal or life form, the smarter it gets. Babies grow this way. As each cell is doubled, it gets smarter and its body grows.

    What if "As the physical, so the spiritual?" That means that smaller souls merge into larger souls and so on until they become one soul like cells in a body. The souls (and personality traits) of insects upon death merge with other souls and reincarnate into a bigger and smarter (more whole) soul. I'm thinking that our personalities could be formed from many different smaller souls merging over many lives and ending up ME. It's probably not the end, though. Each insect species seems to have a dominant personality trait, such as a scorpion and wasp. Then there are the work ethic rich ants. Put them together and you get your boss. Well, you get the idea. What do you think? "As physical, so spiritual." Souls must develop in a similar way to how babies develop in the womb. Hmmm...Then would I merge with another person at death? Hmmm...just pondering.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    If I have a soul, so do the animals and insects and such. That means that they too must reincarnate into higher (if they learned a lesson), stay the same (repeat a lesson), or go remedial. So many insects, so many souls, what to do with all of them??? Merge them along with other personality types of animals and move on up. Think??? After all, where did we get our instincts from in the first place? Must have learned them. Preprogrammed? Only by past experience. Hmmm...

  • diamondblue1974
    If I have a soul, so do the animals and insects and such. That means that they too must reincarnate into higher (if they learned a lesson), stay the same (repeat a lesson), or go remedial. So many insects, so many souls, what to do with all of them??? Merge them along with other personality types of animals and move on up. Think??? After all, where did we get our instincts from in the first place? Must have learned them. Preprogrammed? Only by past experience. Hmmm...

    Interesting thoughts! I dont see a need to merge souls because whilst there are plenty of life forms to transmigrate into - a step up from an Ant could be said to be a beetle for instance and it could be said that there are plenty of opportunities for progression? I dont know, what do you think? G

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    There must be a lot more life out there than just what we see here because all of those animal souls have to go somewhere and do something. If people's souls do, so do animal souls. It's just that there are swarms of insects, innumerable numbers of them. Churches don't consider that animal souls are like people souls. They say that souls don't die, just the body. If that is true for humans, then what of animals? Hmm? That always bothered me. They ignored animal souls which would complicate things in heaven. If human souls don't really die, neither do animal souls.

  • VoidEater

    What if each cell in your body has a soul? Is "your" soul a composite of all the little ones, or something supported by the little ones, or separate from the little ones?

    What if we all are connected back to one soul? What if every incarnate living entity is a door to the one soul we all share? What if personality and mind are small valves that leak just enough soul so that it looks like there are lots of us, but actually there's only one?

  • blueviceroy

    i vote with void eater

    When all our little voices sing the song of life as one the universe will rejoice

    We are an upthrust of cells that supports a spirit/consiousness all the cells combined working in unison join energy and we are the result , imagine all the people living for today .

    Now if all people worked together as one imagine what we would become,,,,,,,

  • Satanus

    I agree that all the animals, insects, and on down who knows how far, all have souls. The lower down the less developed spirits. They don't need to merge to take on a larger life form. They can do it individually, as they graduate from a lower body form to a higher one. That means that a gnat spirit may one be a human spirit.

    'So many insects, so many souls, what to do with all of them??? '

    It's not like new bodies have to be there for them all, right away. I do think that there are line ups, so to speak, for higher forms, especially human. It's considered a great privilege. Spirits can wait eons, no problem, for their next tour. Another thing, they can opt out at any stage from going further. Incarnation on this planet isn't for every spirit. How many spirits would want to be fish and just keep getting eaten, over and over and over? Perhaps, for some spirits, one insect life is enough. Let's face it, everything eats everything else, here. Few physical endings are pain free.

    Imo, the spirit world is much larger and diversified than we can imagine. This universe, or this little animal planet isn't such hot shit. It's like a fast track for ambitious, risk taking type spirits.

    That's how i see it, anyway.


  • Satanus

    I'm not saying that merging doesn't happen. I don't think that there are hard and fast rules 'up there', just as there aren't hard and fast rules in the biological and astronomical worlds. Sometimes, stars merge.


  • diamondblue1974
    It's not like new bodies have to be there for them all, right away. I do think that there are line ups, so to speak, for higher forms, especially human. It's considered a great privilege. Spirits can wait eons, no problem, for their next tour. Another thing, they can opt out at any stage from going further. Incarnation on this planet isn't for every spirit. How many spirits would want to be fish and just keep getting eaten, over and over and over? Perhaps, for some spirits, one insect life is enough. Let's face it, everything eats everything else, here. Few physical endings are pain free.

    Great post Satanus! Good food for thought!


  • frankiespeakin

    Sounds like a plausible mythology to me, some what like the mythology that's generating in me. As far as the likeness of above and below, who knows for sure really? It is all dependent on who is doing the viewing and what exactness one is useing in comparison. Anyway my mythology presently is that there are an infinite amont of universes,, that may or may not be replicas of one another, and they all are just one thing(Quantum Physics IMO), as to whether this one thing has consciouness of everything it is,, down to our(view point) molecular level and beyond, that one is very hard to be dogmatic about for sure, and is not currantly a subject of much speculation by me,,, with the exception of when I experience ego-death, then some how it becomes much more interesting.

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