Beating Fear

by joelbear69 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • joelbear69

    Pat Robertsons doom and gloom forecast for 08 (his 07 forecast that the US would be hit by a major terrorist attack was incorrect)

    reminded me so much of the Watchtower's constant doom messages: definitely rule by fear

    if you do this you will be destroyed, so will your kids.

    if you do this you will be disfellowshipped and lose all your friends and family.

    if you don't go out in service you will be marked as bad association.

    and of course every natural or man made disaster meant the end was coming soon soon soon.

    It takes a lot of effort to overcome the fear paralysis instilled in us by the Watchtower.

    and it doesn't just go away and stay away, conquering fear is not a one time event, it is instead

    a daily exercise similar to watching your diet, getting fit, reading to learn, etc.

    its a mental exercise. every time you conquer fear, you get stronger, but if you let up, your

    fear resisting muscle gets weaker.

    Don't let the doom sayers get to you. Breathe in the air, live the day, kiss your spouse or

    kids. LIVE.



  • WTWizard

    Well, I guess they did a pxxx poor job in installing that fear in me. Once they pxxxed me off one time too many, I decided that it wouldn't be worth it to live forever with them. And so I started buying rap CDs, then heavy metal. I bought a 8-ball, then a Ouija board. I ordered books from Nouveau Tech, that were supposed to have a "secret message" (that is, demonic). I bought a computer. I downloaded openly Satanic music on it and burned a CD with that music. I hit the apostate Web sites, on purpose (not even an accident). I worshiped the sun (and the Devil). And I even lambaste Jehovah on this forum, using logic that often comes straight out of His own Bible.

    Does that sound like I am afraid of the demons? To the contrary, I have yet to have one attack me. Instead, it is Jehovah that has been my lifelong enemy. Now, He is getting nothing but slaps in the face out of me.

  • VoidEater

    It takes practice for some of us (like me) to exercise the "I'm OK" muscle instead of giving in to the habitual "I am unworthy and about to be smacked" posture. Eventually, my body calmed down to the point where it felt good to focus on what it felt like just to breathe and exist...

  • BFD

    I agree, it is a daily struggle. Today I chose to live and breathe and appreciate life. Tomorrow I hope to do the same.

    Thanks, Joel.


  • darkuncle29

    I'm still working on unwiring the fear programs, it gets really tiring and depressing. Fear and negativity are my main issues I think.

    I can smile around people and talk a positive game, but internally is where I need to change. What also bothers me is that I can give people advice or tell them what i see might be an issue, but i can't seem to do that for myself. The season also tends to get me down, being all burnt out on the rush and hurry, darker and wetter, birthday comes right after christmas and that always seems to put my moods in a downcycle too. I'd feel better if I had my own place not in the city, where I could garden and just sit outside and relax, meditate, be content.

  • dogisgod

    Im just so mad that I was so stupid for sooooooooooo long. Wasted life.

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    Yes, Watchtowerism is primarily all about fear, not love. Most of the teachings that keep Watchtowerites enslaved to their religion are all to do with fear. Fear of Armageddon, fear of disfellowshipping, etc, as you note. Take all that fear away and Watchtowerism would shrivel up overnight.

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