3 more drones being assimilated tomorrow

by Dan B 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dan B
    Dan B

    Unfortunately my 3 nieces are getting baptized tomorrow. My dad called me to tell me how proud he was of his grandchildren. I felt a sick feeling come over me, followed by rising anger. But, out of respect for my father, I just quickly changed the subject. I know there is nothing I can do to stop it, but still...

    So today I ordered my third copy of In Search of Christian Freedom. I have lent the other two out to "friends" who, in both cases, decided not only to stay away from me, but they kept my books too. So here is my plan: I will place this book in a conspicuous place in my home. When (if) they come over, maybe their curiosity will cause them to pick it up and look at it. Any other actions on my part toward them will cause a serious rift in our family. So far, my parents have not bought into the practice of shunning me (I'm neither Df'd or Da'd)But if I dare to take the initiative to help my nieces see the real truth, well, that will be the last straw (in their eyes).


  • Ranch


    I am sorry to hear of the assimilation of more of your family members.
    I know it makes you cring.It would upset me too.

    LOL,You talking about putting that book out and hoping they look at it out of couriosity gave me JW flashbacks.We used to do that with JW literature.

    Hey, it's worth a try and you never know they may stumble upon something that acts like a seed and grows into something bigger over time.
    Wow, I still sound like a witness too talking about seeds!

  • ISP

    I think if they are newly baptised...they will be 'strong' and it is likely they will take little notice for the time being. Don't be disappointed if there are no immediate effects. But be around to help them when it starts to fall apart. I think some of the recent stuff re UN might be interesting for them.


  • metatron

    Don't give up the fight, they're still young - and as we
    know, young people these days generally don't have much
    staying power, 'truth-wise'.

    Rather than dry doctrine and detailed books, a living
    example can work wonders. We had a female relative in my family
    who didn't take crap from anybody, loved a number of
    handsome men (and led them where she wished), traveled,
    had hobbies, and generally enjoyed life to the fullest.

    Her contrast to a 'life in the truth' was devastating.

    Be happy, be creative, be intelligent
    Your nieces may tire of the spiritual desert they've entered.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Think of it this way - baptism is the first step toward becoming an XJW.

  • ashitaka


  • radar

    Dan B, Nathan Natas is correct!
    Many people who get baptised begin to drift away soon afterwards, according to the watchtower. So lets hope they are right on this occasion.


    All that we see or seem/ Is but a dream within a dream.

    -Edgar Allen Poe

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