if i was to write a letter to the WTBS what would be the address ...?

by grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95 7 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    i would like to write the WBTS a letter and ask a question..one that maybe confronting in regards to their doctrane....

    what would be the address?..........

    and has anyone written before on confronting issues and recievd an answer.....?

  • Honesty

    If you want to waste your valuable time in writing a letter that will never be replied to:

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

    25 Columbia Heights

    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    Better hurry though. The WTBTS is selling off everything they own in Brooklyn and moving to Patterson and Walkill.

    I hear the opposers are less vocal in Patterson and Walkill.

  • Fatfreek

    If it's an answer you're looking for, probably not. If it's some kind of action, you'll probably never know.

    I wrote the following letter to them some three weeks ago. We'll never know for sure whether it had any effect.

    Fact is, Watchtower shut down that egregious page only 8 days later on December 25. They did it quietly and without any notice or apology. I didn't expect a reply to my letter. It’s six million plus faithful members, however, deserved better than such cowardice.

    For the entire episode, check out this link.

    Len Miller

  • Shepherd Book
    Shepherd Book

    To answer your other question: Yes, I have written to the Watchtower Society confronting them on an issue and received an answer. I put it all on the web: http://www.watchtowerletters.com/

  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    ahhhh that was you !!! i read these letters and responses a while ago... good for you my brother !!!!!

  • Fatfreek

    Shepherd Book: Yes, I have written to the Watchtower Society

    And some of the most eloquent pieces of writing I have seen. I encourage any lurkers to go to Shepherd's link, pour yourself a cup of coffee (have a pot ready), and enjoy.

    Four marvelous letters followed by three mediocre responses by Watchtower (they obviously gave up after number 3). Additionally, you kept any of your annoyance at their persistent dismissiveness completely out of your written arguments. Well done, Shep.

    We are fortunate to have you on board here.

    Len Miller

  • penny2

    You could send it to the Australian branch: PO Box 280, Ingleburn, NSW 1890. They'll probably just send it on to the local elders so you could expect a visit.


  • Shepherd Book
    Shepherd Book

    GrewUp and fatFreek-- Thanks for the support! Getting back to the subject, I think that as long as you write in such a way as it doesn't sound like you're trying to corner them, then you should be okay. Try to write the letter as if you are confused or looking for clarification on a matter. Write with sincereness and, if you can stomach it, enclose a small donation - that will ensure some kind of response. As FatFreek noted, it is good to keep your annoyance of them down to a minimum, too!

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