3 Kings vs. Santa

by Wordly Andre 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    In Spain as well as most hispanic countries, presents are given on Los Reyes Magos day, the 3 kings day and presents are given by the kings, Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar and not Santa. If that tradition was more popular here in America would christmas be more meaningful for you?

  • BurnTheShips
    If that tradition was more popular here in America would christmas be more meaningful for you?

    It would certainly put me more in touch with my Hispanic roots! :-)

  • 5go

    No, I have Northern European Roots and Thor is my favorite male god.

  • kifoy

    So if you love presents, you should live in America, have Nothern European and Hispanic roots and marry a Dutch or something.

    This way you will get presents the Dec. 6 (Dutch Sinterklaas), on Christmas Eve (Norway), Christmas Day (America) and the 3 Kings' Day (Hispanic, and Eastern Europe?)

    Though, it might be too much


    [Edit: Just wanted to add Happy New Year! It's 45 minutes past midnight here ]

  • Watkins

    Hi Andre -

    Interesting. Where did they come up with those names for the 'wise men'?

    Good question - it does have direct significance to worship of Jesus, whereas the Santa myth , imo, detracts from Jesus as the 'reason for the season'... I'm not too fond of that obese reclusive old man who keep his eye on little boys and girls

    But to JW's it wouldn't make a difference, since they teach the Magi are astrologers and alchemists with evil intent(even though they made a toturous trip to worship and give gifts to the newborn King and long-prophesied Messiah and they minded God and disregarded Herod... go figure, black is clearly white...)


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