Question for Active Witnesses: What Makes You Stay?

by feenx 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • feenx

    I had an interesting conversation with my still active mother last week. I asked her point blank if she ever stopped to think that maybe not everything the society told her was right. She said that she had. Yet she still stays. My guess, based on things she's stated in other conversations, is that it's because she still believes that in order to "properly" serve Jehovah she must be part of what she believes was/is his Earthly organization, and that even though it's not perfect, she "loves" Jehovah and will do what it takes to "serve" him. Also that in any event the "world" is certainly much worse and hence despite the bad things with the organization it's still the best place to be.

    Is this the same for other active Witnesses? If, even on a very small level, you feel that something stated and enforced by the society is not right, what is the motivating factor that makes you continue to live your day to day life by all the other things the society says?

    I ask simply because I am curious, and want to try to understand. As far as I'm concerned if someone is GENUINELY happy as a Witness, great. I just want to know what the motivator is.

  • yknot

    Usual so far.....

    Family, Friends.....Where to go if not believing in Trinity....

    Blah..Blah...Blah....Blah... Blah..

    My New Years resolution is to move the above stumbling blocks (hope I am more sucessful then my usual New Years diets)

    For older ones I think the life long dedication and not wanting it to be completely in vain, keeps them seated.

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    The only reason that I still attend some of the meetings is family. I do not comment

    at the meetings, I do not go in service, I do not read the literature, and I notice that

    I don't pray much anymore. It would only take a few unsolicted comments from the

    elders dirrected at me for me to crack and say good bye to the whole kit and kaboodle.


  • peggy

    I find it interesting that the comment most heard from devoted witnesses is that, while the Org. is not perfect, it is the only provision for future life. The Org. has been compared to the ARK. Get in and stay in! Yet if the ark was full of holes and imperfection, no one would have survived. Now I am not saying that I completely believe in Noah and his ark but that is just how MY mind works.


  • Ozner

    What makes me stay? Family. I''m sick of the organisation. Did Jesus had an organisation? Or did he sell buildings for 200.000.000$ ? All the dubble speach... But going out is loosing my family. But i'm fading. When i'm in the KH... bluh. And now the new-light coming again... bah. )):

  • feenx

    Peggy: LOL. Good point, never thought of it like that. Very good analogy :)

    And what pray tell is this "new light" that's coming out?

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    it can't be the food!

  • 5go

    Friends and Mom for now.

  • worldtraveller

    Too Feenx. I would like you to ask your mum why she still prefers a cult instead of Jesus. After all, where is the WTS mentioned in the bible? It is very odd to read the bible, but not put faith in His son. John3:16 straightened me out a few months ago (as far as the society anyway). A friendly reminder of that might open her eyes.

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