Christmas -- The "Word of the Day is "Apostasy !"

by Rabbit 1 Replies latest social current

  • Rabbit

    Yep ! Everyday I get a new word on Braingle. Since I did Xmas with my non-dub relatives today, I thoght it entirely appropriate that this is the "Word."

    Vocabulary :: Word of the Day : Apostasy


    noun :: An abandonment of what one has voluntarily professed; a total desertion of departure from one's faith, principles, or party; esp., the renunciation of a religious faith

    "I had been more than half suspicious of the seeming sincerity of the Kaolian jeddak's sudden apostasy, but the alacrity with which he embraced my suggestion, and the despatch with which a force of officers and men were placed at my disposal entirely removed the last vestige of my doubts." --Burroughs, Edgar Rice

    sorry about the formatting?

  • Honesty

    Makes ya wonder how C.T. Russell made it into heaven.

    He celebrated Christmas until he died.

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