South Africa needs to know - Pedophilia in the JWs

by LouBelle 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • LouBelle

    Hi everyone - I ususally post and set up topics in the "friends" section of this forum - I've put this up too.

    I know in the USA pedophilia has been exposed in the JW faith - it hasn't even made any kind of stir down here in S.Africa - I suppose because no one really knows about it, and it hasn't been brought to the attention of the media.

    My reasoning is that this is a world wide faith and such news should be world wide. I would like to write to our local TV stations to see if they would cover something like this? Does anyone here have experience in doing this kind of thing - I mean I don't even know if I'm allowed too.

    Help would be appreciated.

  • alanv

    Hi Lou Belle

    You could go to the website where there are many examples of chid abuse from around the world.

    I guess you could say to the media if it is happening everywhere else it must be happening here as well.

    Obviously it would be better if you could get some local cases. You could try searching on the internet. I'm sure there are many cases in South Africa they just may have not made the news yet.

  • looloo

    has anyone sent it to the bbc news ?

  • LouBelle

    Thanks I've contacted silent lambs and they have come back pretty much saying I should get some cases so you were right on the button. I'm going to start advertising in local papers and see the outcome.

    looloo I'm sure one could always send the clip - that is what I'm going to do - send info to our local TV startions.

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