What is being "worldly"

by Burger Time 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Yes I know what the JW definition is of being worldly, but seeing people who grew up and their stories it got me thinking; is worldliness just as bad in house as out? As an example, dating. OK almost everyone I know still did the same thing worldly kids did when they dated only you had to take one little extra step to get some alone time with your sweetness. Did being in the truth change the fact that you did what normal worldly kids did? Another example most of the teenagers in my hall stole, got liquor, experimented with drugs or did other things only relegated to "worldly" kids. Sure we had worldly friends but almost EVERY JW teenager has one worldly friend.

    Parents are always bragging how great it is to raise their children in such a wholesome environment, yet kids will be kids and usually do what every other teenager or child does. Even the good ones still had to have some outlet for being a teenager. The more I think of it the more of a stupid concept it becomes. Comments? Sure this has been made a topic already, so sorry in advance.

  • Robert7

    Along that thread, I am also just as curious to know how people are doing in "the world". Of course at the Hall everyone says that without the Truth life has no meaning, you have no hope, no good friends, etc.

  • WTWizard

    I will put it bluntly. I think it's better to have no hope than it is to waste all one's time trying to grasp a fake one. They claim to have hope. But, look at all the time and energy they waste pursuing it. They spend every Sunday morning or afternoon and every Tuesday and Thursday evening at boasting sessions. They are out in field circus much of the time, especially Saturday morning. They give up Christmas and holidays and birthdays. They are supposed to spend all their time talking to others about that "hope". Much time and money is wasted on this.

    And for what? They have been promised that hope since 1874. Back then, they were told that 1914 was going to bring Armageddon. They moved it repeatedly when the predictions busted. The latest spectacular flop was the 1975 fiasco. They are still hawking it as coming imminently. How many heard the crapt last fall as supposed to be starting the Great Tribulation, and nothing even close happened. They keep acting as if Armageddon was coming any day now. That hope is proving to be bogus. And they could have had all the fun today--gone, for a hope they realize was a fake after they wasted their whole lives on it.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    well I guess I should have clarified a bit more, are their social situations any different really then "worldly" ones? They still have drama, there is lying, stealing, contempt, sex, drugs, gossip, and did I mention gossip? So if the same worldly influence curropt from within why not just call it human? I know it's to control, but still seems like this could be a good argument. I believe Franz brought up this point in ISOCF.

  • chaz84

    I dunno to be honest, cos though my mum is a Jehoovahs Witness, she allowed me to play and hang around with worldly kids,

    cos she felt that half the kids in the congregation was corrupted anyway and so what difference did it make. Which is wrong...but there you go!

    Being worldly is being normal in my eyes, i believe that being a jehovah's witness stops teenagers from being proper teenagers, and so

    when they break the rules, they break the rules to the extreme. When i left, i did everything that i shouldn't, drink, drugs, sex etc. If i was brought up normally

    maybe i wouldn't have been that curious. It was like freedom and i didn't know what to do with it!

    Now i'm enjoying being in the real world. One of my friends who was also brought up as a jehovahs witness told me that she envied me going to university and

    having fun, cos she felt she's missed out, cos she thought pioneering was her life.

    In fact when i used to go, the 'worldly' kids were better behaved than the JW kids. One JW kid i hung round kept shoplifting, to prove to the other

    non witness kids that's she's hard. But the non witness kids thought she was a tosser and told her that she'll get caught...and she did, and she stop going!

    JW and worldy kids are the same, JW are just more sneakier about it, and that's what makes things fun, lying and getting away with it! It's good being brought up the JW way!...NOT

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