WHEE and WOE happy and fearful.

by hamsterbait 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    For my Mother.

    Just had a long talk. She was very upset by the disgusting talk at her Kingdumb Hell today.

    The episode where Phineas stabs a woman to death up her vagina. and various other slaughter stories. ( I put in a few soft pedal "seeds" too.)

    What she was annoyed at was the way the speaker seemed in her words to put Jesus "second billing to the Old Testament." "I am sick of talks glorifying the killing in the OT. I thought all that died with Jesus." Apparently there were virtually no scriptures from the NT.

    As we parted she said "from now on, when people start harping on about David and Samson and Gideon, I'm going to just say "I'd rather talk about Jesus."

    So I am delighted. But also frightened for her, as the hounders will come after her eventually, as she sounds too like a born again Christian. And they would mercilessly hound a little old lady. cowards and bullies love an easy victim.


  • nomoreguilt

    It must have a been a talk on the paybacks of immorality and all that good stuff. Tell your mother to keep the faith on jesus. Jesus is not the god of jws. Where-as jesus is the god of the born agains and all other christian denominations today.

  • worldtraveller

    The more I research the bible, the more I find out that it seems more amd more just an interesting story from the musings of people with limited life skills. The most recent passage was this. Ezekeil 23:20. She lusted after genetals as large as a donkeys, and emmisions like those of a horse.

    Why would I as someone looking for "the way" be interested in porn? I also found a catholic bible and"ecclesiaticus" chapter 25. It talks very negatively about women.

    And yes the Witnesses (and governments) want to keep us in fear. Why? The allmighty dollar.

    Speaking of, just how much do people give to orgs, such as the WT?

  • Hortensia

    man, I don't remember those scriptures! I am so glad that your little mother has the spine to have an opinion of her own. I think if they come after her, they might find she has more strength than they think. Kiss her on the cheek for me.

  • Abandoned

    WOW! Excellent news. Just the fact that she's thinking for herself shows awesome potential. Good luck!

  • Marjorie
    "from now on, when people start harping on about David and Samson and Gideon, I'm going to just say "I'd rather talk about Jesus."

    I, too, noticed the habitual fixation on the more violent aspects of the ''us and them'' syndrome (particularly when dealing with the OT massacres), and would tell people that I would rather speak about Jesus. Usually my statement would be met with mild suprise, and then the usual response of:"Why sister, if you did that, people might mistake us for born-again Christians!". And my reply would be, and what was wrong with that? The whole Bible is about Jesus. From the beginning of the creation of the cosmos, to the prophecy of Genesis 3:15, to David, down through the OT, into the Greek Scriptures, to the last book of Revelation -- it's all about the Christ. Why would you not want to prefer to discuss Jesus? Is this not what Jehovah himself wanted? A perfectly reasonable and valid arguement.

    And the person would grow silent for a few minutes. And then reply "But still...!"

    Kudos to your mom for beginning to break the chains of mind control!

  • worldtraveller

    If Jesus was with us, what faith would he be connected to? Or any for that matter? I think he would be pretty upset as to the goings on, especially with the witnesses. Especially the shunning.

  • WTWizard

    I never could understand why the witlesses talk more about Samson, David, Noah, Moses, Samuel, Hezekiah, Abraham, and others in the Old Testament than they do about the one that is supposedly their exemplar. Where's Jesus?

  • AGuest

    May you have peace!

    Your mother might benefit from reading the following, which the WTBTS has overlooked since its inception:

    "Now, through Christ we have THIS sort of confidence toward God. Not that we of ourselves are adequately qualified to reckon anything as issuing from ourselves, but our being adequately qualified issued from God, who has indeed adequately qualified us to be ministers of a NEW covenant, NOT of a written code, but of SPIRIT; for the written code condemned to death, but the SPIRIT makes alive.

    "Moreover, if the code which administers death and which was engraved with letters in stones came about in a glory, so that the sons of Israel could not gaze intently at the face of Moses because of the glory of his face, a glory that was to be done away with, why should not the administering of the SPIRIT be much more with glory? For if the code administering condemnation was glorious, MUCH more does the administering of righteousness abound with glory. In fact, even that which has once been made glorious HAS BEEN STRIPPED OF GLORY in this respect, because of the glory that EXCELS it. For if that which was to be done away with was brought in with glory, MUCH more would that which REMAINS be with glory.

    "Therefore, as WE have such a hope, WE are using GREAT freeness of speech, and NOT doing as when Moses would put a veil upon his face, that the sons of Israel might NOT gaze intently at the end of that which was to be done away with. But THEIR mental powers were DULLED. For to this present day the SAME veil remains... UNLIFTED... at the reading of the Old Covenant, because IT IS DONE AWAY WITH... by means of CHRIST. In fact, DOWN TILL TODAY... WHENEVER MOSES IS READ... A VEIL LIES... UPON THEIR HEARTS. BUT... when there is a turning to the CHRIST (please see NWT Ref. Bible footnote!! Do NOT rely on the abridged version!)... the veil... IS TAKEN AWAY. Now, the Christ... IS THE SPIRIT, and where the Spirit of the Christ is... THERE IS FREEDOM.And all of US, while WE... with UNVEILED faces... reflect like mirrors... the glory of the CHRIST... are TRANSFORMED... INTO THE SAME IMAGE... from glory... TO glory... EXACTLY as done... by Christ... the Spirit.

    2 Corinthians 3:4-18

    The emphasis that I have included is not mine; it is that which I received from the Spirit, Christ. I did not know of its existence in Paul's letter (which, by the way, is not inspired) until my Lord showed it to me... and read it to me just as I have emphasized it here. It was then that I understood the replacement of the Old Covenant... with the NEW covenant... and what happens to our HEARTS when we try to adhere... and have others adhere... to the Old: not only is doing so a direct denial of blessings of the Spirit, Christ, but WE BLOCK OUT GOD!

    That is because the OLD Law... stands BETWEEN us... and God. If we REMOVE that Law, however, from our HEARTS... and replace it with CHRIST... only THEN we are granted to see the "glory" of God that IS the Christ. This is because we REFLECT that glory, Christ, in our OWN hearts and lives.

    I bid you the greatest of love and peace.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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