Questions about the Jehovah's Witness beliefs.

by Renegade 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Renegade

    First off, (these are in no particular order) I would like to make a point about the ransom. Jesus made a prayer to Jehovah saying "Take this cup away from me." The witnesses interpret this as jesus not wanting to blaspheme Jehovah's name. But the more reasonable interpretation is "Do not make me do this." So his great, kind and merciful Father chose to ignore his son's plea and go along with his bloody, and painful execution regardless. What does this say to you? How can people actually believe he loves us more than anything in the world, although he left his scared and loyal son to die a painful death?

    I also disagree with the fact that he change the languages of the people who attempted to build the tower of Babel. Now, us being the pathetic, emotionally incapable morons that we are, apparently couldn't do this. So why did he change the languages of the builders? Because they were working together. They were building something that downright proved that the "Almighty" was wrong. Lets put this into another context. Witnesses make this illustration of a boy claiming that what his teacher said was incorrect, so the teacher gave him the chalk to prove him wrong. But, what they forgot to include the part where the boy turned out correct so the teacher snatched the chalk off him scribbled all over the blackboard and said "Ha! Told you so!"

    I've got other queries about the beliefs of the witnesses, but I'll save them for a later thread as not to bore you all.

  • Renegade

    By the way, this isn't intended to offend any witnesses or anything, I just don't believe these things make much sense.

  • What-A-Coincidence
    I just don't believe

    me 2!

    (wac of the taking things out of context ala WT class)

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    Firstly, I'll make a comment about the WTS, they always try to have an answer for everything, and because of this have got themselves in all sorts of bother many times.

    They claim that Jesus didn’t want to blaspheme only to satisfy the many with weak beliefs because they can’t see that Jesus was still just a fleshly man who felt pain and wasn’t looking forward to the pain, suffering and death that he knew he must go threw with, it was after all the reason why he come to the world, to die and give his life as a ransom for us.

    The changing of the languages is something that is not fully explained in the bible, after all it’s only a short account, it was explained once that God would not tolerate an organized rebellion against him, but who knows. As far as us being "pathetic, emotionally incapable morons" please speak for yourself. They were making a tower that they believed would reach the heavens, those days they believed that the sky was reachable, like a roof, so by building a tower to reach the top they could reach God and be like him, so how can you say that building this tower would prove the"Almighty" wrong.

    You Fool

  • Hortensia

    It looks to me more like a sermon expressing your beliefs than questions about JWs. No matter - it's all fiction anyway!

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Your point about the tower of babel is a good one.When you look at the account and read the reason why god confused the languages it doesn't put him in a good light. Gen 11:6 'look they are one people and there is one language for them all, and this is what they start to do. Why, now there is nothing that they may have in mind to do that will be unattainable for them'.

    That one account does away with the whole 'judicial issue' of mans self rule. As god himself put it there was nothing that was unattainable for them. One could argue that by confusing the language of the people it it god who is the cause of all the strife and dis-trust of people.

  • bobld
  • bobld

    What I find ironic why God changed the language of the people so they would spread thoughout the world per wbts.If that was so then why did he have the Isrealites annihilate all these people of other languages.Remember the promised land,which he gave these people when he scattered them but changed his mind.Yeah,change their language and kill them.


  • WTWizard

    It just backs up my claim that Jehovah Baghead has zero tolerance for mankind's success. Every time they do something that would improve their lot from the pxxx poor one that He wanted them to have, He barges and does something to ruin man's plans. He did that to Adam for trying to think on their own. he did that at Babel. He did that to a whole race of people because they wanted to improve society instead of wasting time on an ark. He did that to ancient civilizations by having His people ruin them. He did that to His people when they wanted to improve their own life.

    I hereby and officially claim that God is disinterested in having mankind being happy and fruitful. He just wants to control everyone, and will stop at nothing to ensure that no one ever improves their lots in life beyond the wretched lot that He has prepared--full of stagnation, repression, and misery.

  • Renegade

    Uh ranger, you're wrong if you think I actually think humans are pathetic. I was being sarcastic by making fun of the way witnesses degrade the human race. So you're the fool to tell you the truth. And Hortensia, I meant what are your opinions on the matter, although it probably is fiction I'm interested to know what everyone thinks about it.

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