The oral sex Watchtower; what would childrens agencies make of it?

by jambon1 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    What would be the reaction if the authorities were informed about Jehovah's Witnesses discussing explicit sexual subjects at the Kingdom Hall in the presence of infants & young children?

  • jambon1


  • Qcmbr

    None - children's agencies have no power.

    If I read the wind right society seems to be encouraging the sexual education of children as early as possible so the WT is not doing anything more or less than society is doing. At the very least the WT is putting it in a context (yes I know most disagree with it) which is often more than other educational bodies who wish to discuss sexual matters in terms of mechanics devoid of any moral framework (which one would they choose - the lowest common denominator is ignore everyone else and do what you want - just wear condoms when you do it.)

  • WTWizard

    I think the material is appropriate only for people that are about 12 and up--however misleading and repressive it is. In that age group, the damage is going to come from causing unhealthy inhibitions and sow the seeds of strife in marriages. It is also going to set the stage for future additions that will have the sex act itself reduced in pleasurability to that of getting a root canal or tooth extraction.

    For children under that age, however, it is not proper. Some children as young as 7 or 8 might be mature enough to handle it; others will not. Just as parents may see fit to take their 7 or 8 year olds to a PG-13 movie, others will not. For the Watchtower Society to order all parents to bring in all children in to this, whether or not they are mature enough for the material, is the criminal act. Some parents feel that this material is inappropriate for their children, and they should have the option to not go to the meeting without having Brother Hounder stop by that afternoon to give them a lecture about missing meetings. At least the parents should have that option.

  • chappy

    "For the Watchtower Society to order all parents to bring in all children in to this"

    WTWizard, please explain how/when the WTS ordered this...


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