witness phrases in my blind spot

by inkling 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • inkling

    Are these phrases witness specfic?

    "Maintain our integrity"
    "Honest hearted ones" (what exactly is an "honest heart", anyway? Becuase everyone who rejcted the door-to-door work didn't have one)
    "Reach the heart"

    They are so burned into my memory they just seem normal, but I suddenly realized I'm not
    sure I have heard them used anywhere else.

    oh, and does anyone else beside JWs insist that Jehovah dosnt PLAN anything,
    becuase plans can get foiled, but that he PURPOSES things instead?

    (thinking about it now, I think "plan" is a whole lot better word concidering that
    his "purpose" of a paradise earth took a nasty left turn rather quickly.
    Sounds like a plan with a monkey wrench in it to me rather that some perfect
    elegant and unhindered "purpose"

    Is "jehovah purposed" even gramatically corrent? it feels clunky.

    I think JWs are allmost superstitious in thier hatred of god "planning" anything.



    I never understood why the word "purposed" was used either!

    I personally found JWs were very superstitious.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    "rightly disposed"

    "hungering for righteousness"

    "thirsting for truth"

    "craving release from the need to develop critical thinking skills" oops, how'd that slip in here.

    Good post inkling.

    Open Mind

  • Kudra

    "craving release from the need to develop critical thinking skills"

    aa haha!!!

    love it

  • bsmart

    They are weak in the "TRUTH"

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    fleshly sister/brother

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