Text for Monday, December 10, 2007

by moomanchu 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • moomanchu

    Just in case you were thinking of having some fun.

    Youcannotbepartakingof"thetableofJehovah"andthetableofdemons.1 Cor.10:21.

    True Christians keep clear of false worship, rejecting false religious teachings. This means that we avoid exposure to religious programs on radio and television as well as religious literature that promotes lies about God and his Word. (Ps. 119:37) We also wisely refrain from sharing in social functions and recreational activities sponsored by any organization associated with false religion. Additionally, we do not support false worship in any way. What if a person who wishes to become one of Jehovahs Witnesses is currently a registered member of a false religion? In most cases, a letter of resignation serves as evidence that a person no longer wants to be viewed as a member of a false religion. The actions of a prospective Witness should make it clear that he has ended that religious affiliation. w3/15/06 11, 12a

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