Hooter's visit - Calender & gals signing them

by Jim_TX 0 Replies latest social physical

  • Jim_TX

    Last week, I learned that there was going to be some of the gals that appear in the Hooter's calender - there at one of the local Hooter's restaurants autographing the new 2008 calenders.

    I told the wife - we're going to Hooter's Friday, for lunch.

    We got there, and ordered our food (we share the grilled fish sandwich - which is yummy). We learned that the gals would be there at noon to around 1:30pm. Yuppers - they showed up and sat down at a centralized location to be able to sign autographs.

    After we ate and paid, I asked our hostess if she would sign my calender. She did - in the 'international' section (photos of Hooter's gals from international locations).

    We then went and I got in line. There were 4 lovely gals sitting there... and they took my calender. The first one in line asked my name, and I told her. She then signed it with one of their 'canned' autographs that they must sign a bazillion times a day.

    My wife had her digital camera with her, and got photographs of me standing behind these lovely gals. They were sweet and smiled nicely for the camera. One was even showing a tad more cleavage than she probably should've been showing... but... it looks nice. *wicked grin* They're all very photogenic - I see why they got chosen to be in the calender.

    Anyway... that made my day... and I have a new calender for the wall in my office at home. (Although the months aren't in order.)

    I had fun going and getting the calender - and meeting the gals there... that was something that the 'former' Mrs. wouldn't have allowed. The current Mrs. has as much fun as I do when we go to Hooter's.


    Jim TX

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