The last Solar Eclipse of The Mellemnium 23

by Celtic 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    At 11:11am on the 11th of August 1999 was the time of the last solar eclipse of the mellemnium.

    23 months later.

    On September 11th the twin towers collapsed.



    Many Questions

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Remarkable! I believe you have provided profound evidence that these events were connected. If I told you how I would have to kill myself.

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  • kpax

    Are you using drugs or something?

  • Haereticus


    The last TOTAL solar eclipse of the said millenium was 11th of August 1999. During year 2000 was 4 partial solar eclipses:

    And quoting only one exact time is boloney. The shadow created by an eclipse glides over Tellus surface it is not a single moment. This 1999-08-11 eclipse took place 10.51...11.03 UT and and was not visible in US as TOTAL. And even deliberate choosing of time zone would not fit 11.11 timing.

    I would rather leave these mispresentations to WTBTS as they are specialized on this field. They might start from 1988-09-11 eclipse that happened 13 yrs ago.

    "Proper preparation & planning prevents piss poor performance." - Awul Dasfilshabeda and Nowaynayda Zheet

  • Celtic

    To Nathan, Kpax and H.

    My arithmetic was out anyway, wasn't 23 months, apologies.

    To Kpax - Yes.

    To H - For certain the total eclipse was at 11:11am on the 11th of August of that year, we should know, the centre of the line of totality was across Falmouth, that day at precisely that time and no, 500,ooo peoples watches were not wrong.

    Apart from that, I was not trying to read anything into the data, just making an observation, so sorry I'm not perfect enough for you.



  • Haereticus


    Greatest eclipse took place 11.03 somewhere north of Greece:

    You are right in the sense that time period from first sign till the eclipse is totally over take time. Anyway that is one of these numerology observations that came up after the tragedy.

    "Proper preparation & planning prevents piss poor performance." - Awul Dasfilshabeda and Nowaynayda Zheet

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