Bethel wifeswapping phenomenon

by veen 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • veen

    So I've got some friends who are international construction volunteers, and have spent the last few years traveling to different Bethels around the world. I was talking to one of them in the pub on the weekend, and she said that they have separate saunas for men and women in all the Bethels because every Bethel she's been to has had a problem with wifeswapping taking place in them.

    How mental is that! It's probably because they were all 18 when they got married.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Whoda thunk!! Wifeswapping in Jehovah's house???


  • 95stormfront

    NO wonder they were bitching about the "wife swap" show before it premiered! Sine there wasn't a WT logo attached to it, they couldn't get their cut.

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