Apostate Seeking Ice Breaker, must be fully working.

by KW13 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    It seems any relationships and friendships i've ever had with Jehovah's Witnesses when i was a dub are either or a complete joke or lack any depth, even with my mum or should i say especially with my mum.

    Its like she's behind a sheet of Ice sometimes. Doesn't it hurt when they put their religion before flesh and blood? Sometimes it really annoys me and it definitely always hurts me when she goes against all maternal instinct, i think i said once about the time she said she'd let me die to remain faithful to Jehovah and 'anyway i'd get you back in the paradise' - does she expect that to work...really? as if i'd talk to anyone again who let me die to save their own skin. Anyway i tore into her a week ago (might be two now) because i explained that the Society affected me mentally, it wasn't about the doctrines only. It was about the lasting damage. That got through to her more than the whole Child Molestation Case that went down recently, in fact she cried; she accepted what i was saying despite kicking me out for the evening (before coming around to see me later). I think it really hit home when i said, that her crazy religion made me ill, that means i can't currently WORK and provide for my son to give him the best life he deserves and instead Megan is left with a whole lot of things to carry. Poor girl, she deserves better than to get all this, she has had her own trials (big ones).

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