Looking for input from flight attendants . . .

by Happy Harvester 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    . . . if you have been or are a flight attendant, I'd love to have some input about your experiences and ideas regarding it.

    I've always thought I'd like to do this sort of work - due to the travel opportunities - and my service work experience.

    . . . So I'm going to take a shot at this - even though I'm probably too old and will probably have to wear makeup to work (YUCK!).

    Any and all feedback from experienced flight attendants would be greatly appreciated!

    My interview (a group thing) will be tomorrow evening.

    Wish me luck! I might need it. Thanks!

  • *summer*

    Just want to wish you "good luck" for your interview.

    Think Positive!


  • BIG D
    BIG D

    i know several, and i know several pilots, the pilots think they are all s-----s, and my niece is a stewardess

    big d

  • dogisgod

    Hi, been one for 32 years. They are hiring much older people now. A lot of retired folks and grannys. They don't care too much about the income because it is kind of a "hobby" job. Starting pay is lousey. Sitting reserve is lousey. Why hire older? Win win for the Co. No PG leaves, never will live to get to top of the pay scale, won't have to match 401K for long. The job can be really sucky but I am really glad to have been in the industry when I have been. Once you get some seniority you can really have a great life, lots of flexibility in working, great layover selection, great vacations (if there is an empty seat on the plane) and the comraderie is the BEST. Good luck!!!!!!!

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    Thanks, dogisgod and summer.

    I imagine it will be challenging work, but I'd bet $10/hour it beats housekeeping.

    Yes, the airlines certainly are changing.

    There's not much chance I'll last 20 years in that field, but I'm thinking of online classes or something while doing airline work, so I can go into teaching English as a second language later on and continue travelling until I croak - what I've always wanted to do.

    The last time I flew, I noticed one of the the flight attendants was a woman older than me - very pleasant and easy to look at though. Personal hygiene is more important than looks, I guess. So, I'll have to brush up on that, LOL.

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