Testing what you believe

by mamochan13 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mamochan13

    A news editorial I read this morning regarding protests/banning of the books Golden Compass from the His Dark Materials trilogy (soon to also be a movie) got me thinking about testing faith. These books are apparently an answer to C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia, presenting an athiest perspective to Lewis's "overtly Christian" one.

    As a JW I used to like the scripture about the Boreans who daily tested their faith by "carefully examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so" Acts 17:11. In retrospect now, of course, I wonder how it is possible to take that attitude and still remain a blind follower, although apparently my Borean-like approach freed me!

    The editorial writer noted that while some parents may want to shield thier children from non- or anti-Christian society, the Gospel does not call on the faithful to hide or retreat into a cloister. Asking questions is healthy no matter what your theological beliefs are, and we shouldn't just read what reinforces our own beliefs and try to censor the other.

    One paragraph in particular resounded with me. He says, "It's often said that converts are the most passionate believers because they understand why they believe. They were born to one way of thinking ... but through a process of doubting and inquiry chose another. As a result, they often comprehend the new one better than those who have known only that view all their lives."

    I think that is true of so many of us on this board.

  • jelcat8224

    I'm looking forward to seeing this movie and then perhaps reading the books. I just want to see what all the hype is about. I agree with you about testing your faith and I have always enjoyed the example of the boreans as well. Coming from the JW's where you are taught to be almost afraid of anything against your beliefs, I enjoy the feeling now that I welcome any and all information, wether it is in agreement or disagreement with my beliefs.


  • eclipse

    If as a christian, and you soundly believe your faith is unshakable,

    then seeing a movie that presents an opposing view of what you believe should not be enough to remove your faith.

    If those christians who are opposed to this movie just realized that they are acting like ignorant ostriches sticking their heads in the sand,

    perhaps they would rethink their 'knee-jerk' reaction to such an insignifigant thing as a fictitious movie.

    It's just like with Brown's The DaVinci Code. It didn't bring the catholic church to it's knees like they were so afraid of.

    Funny, if any religion is so scared they they can be brought down simply by an idea or a fictional story,

    then that religion should seriously consider dismantling itself or revamp their entire doctrine foundation alltogether.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    They're protesting about a movie and some books? What a bunch of saddos

    Still, there's no such thing as bad publicity!

    I agree completely, mamochan - an untested, unquestioning faith is very weak indeed. I encounter what I refer to as 'spoon-fed' Christians almost every day. They wouldn't last two minutes in a serious theological discussion. They wouldn't last two minutes on this board lol!

    Hardly following Paul's instruction to 'always be ready with an answer as to why you believe'...

    Jesus loves me this I know because the Bible tells me so...

    ... Well that actually depends on your theology because some branches teach predestination to the extreme that Jesus might actually not love you after all

  • erynw

    Funny, if any religion is so scared they they can be brought down simply by an idea or a fictional story,

    then that religion should seriously consider dismantling itself or revamp their entire doctrine foundation alltogether.

    The irony is that their entire doctrine foundation IS based on a fictional story.

    ::quietly retreats to avoid the stoning that's about to begin::

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