Odic force - the interface between the spiritual and physical worlds

by truthseeker 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    I've been reading Johannes Greber's "communication with the Spirit World" - a fascinating book indeed. How much truth there is in his encounters with the

    spirit realm, I don't know.

    Some things however seem to make sense when you look at the whole picture.

    Consider Odic force and energy:

    The Laws Governing Spirit Communication with Material Creation

    "You mortals," so the spirit began its teachings, "seem to assume that

    only the world of matter is subject to laws. That is a mistake, for God is a

    God of law and order in spiritual as well as terrestrial creation. In His

    doings He Himself observes the laws He made, disregarding none of them.

    "Thus we spirits too must observe the laws of nature ordained by God

    whenever we wish to communicate with the material world. This is true for

    the good as well as the evil spirit world."

    "If you lift up a stone with your hand, the law of ‘gravitation’, as you

    call it, acting on the stone is not thereby set aside, but it is overcome by the

    greater force of your hand. If, however, a stone were lifted up

    by a hand

    invisible to you, you would consider that a ‘miracle’ because you would not

    see the force

    , and hence would think the stone was rising of its own volition.

    And yet in both cases a force must be present

    that causes the stone to be

    lifted. Whether you can see the force or not does not affect the process


    In either case the force of gravitation acting on the stone is overcome

    by a stronger force.


    Even God Himself, in consequence of the laws enacted by His Own

    omnipotence, cannot make a stone raise itself.

    He might indeed have made

    matter subject to different laws; but having made the laws governing all

    earthly events as they are, He too must, when a stone is to be lifted,

    implement a force that is greater than that of the gravitation acting upon the


    The Law of "Odic Force" (Life Force)

    "Because of their different natures, spirit and matter cannot act upon each

    other directly. Not even your own spirit is capable by itself of activating a

    limb or organ of your body. Not even I, who have taken possession of the

    body of this boy, can make his body sit up or raise his hands or produce a

    sound with his organs of speech by my own efforts alone. In order to do

    these things, your own spirit and I as well require a

    power current .

    "In the same way, the operator of a machine requires a constant

    supply of power furnished by steam or electricity if his machine is to

    function. If that supply is lacking or is inadequate, the machine will stand


    "In our case the spirit is the machinist. The machine is the body or

    matter. If the matter is to be set in motion by the spirit, a power current is


    "The learned men of old called this power current in human beings the

    ‘soul’, as distinguished from ‘spirit’ and ‘body’. Thus they taught, quite

    correctly, that man is made up of spirit, soul and body.

    "The Bible calls the power current or vital energy the ‘breath of life’.

    ‘... and God breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life; thus man became

    a living being.’

    (Genesis 2: 7)

    "Scientists of today call the power current in man the ‘odic force’.

    "This ‘odic’ or life force exists in and around all things created by

    God. Every human being, every animal, every plant, every stone, every

    mineral, all water, every heavenly body, every spirit and all other existing

    things possess odic force. It is nothing material, but is spiritual and always

    associated with a spirit. It is the life force of the spirit, which is therefore

    always its conveyor. Hence, wherever there is life, there is od, and wherever

    there is od, there is spirit. Since this odic force exists in and around all

    things created by God and is always associated with spirit, it follows that

    there is a spirit in everything created.


    "Any spirit associated with a material body possesses, first of all, the

    odic force required

    for its own existence as a spirit, and next, sufficient

    additional odic force

    to induce life, growth and activity in the earthly body.

    Similarly, to make use of an inadequate earthly parable, a locomotive

    requires a certain amount of steam power to put itself in motion, and a

    certain amount of additional steam to enable it to pull the cars that are

    coupled onto it. The car coupled onto your spirit is your body, for which

    your spirit requires special additional odic power.

    "However, the od set aside for the body differs from that set aside for

    the spirit, since anything that is to act upon matter must be assimilated and

    adapted to it to some extent. Hence the od of earthly bodies is less spiritual

    than that of the spirits inhabiting them.

    "The physical od resembles your terrestrial power currents, which are

    neither purely material nor purely spiritual. Their true nature is unknown to

    you, although you experience their effect on a daily basis.

    "For your terrestrial power currents you employ material conductors,

    designed to carry a current of the strength best suited to your needs. You

    have machines and equipment of all kinds, and plants whose operation

    requires current of a certain strength. If the current is too powerful, it will

    destroy your equipment. If it is too feeble, the equipment will stop running.

    "In like manner the odic current of all physical beings is carried by a

    conductor throughout the body with all of its wonderful units, which you call

    organs, in the required strength. If the current exerts too powerful an effect

    on a given organ, it will create disorder. If it is too feeble, the functions of

    the organ will cease.


    The blood is the conductor of the odic force .. If the conductor is

    destroyed by loss or decomposition of the blood, the odic current also

    ceases, just as your power currents cease to flow when your conducting

    wires are damaged by outside agencies or by corrosion.

    "Because blood is the conductor for the od, and hence physical life is

    impossible without blood, the Bible calls blood ‘the seat of life’: ‘Blood is

    the seat of life.’

    (Deuteronomy 12: 23)


    physical od is not created by the spirit of the respective body,

    but is derived from the food taken into that body.

  • truthseeker

    some more info on the nature of matter...

    "In order that you may understand what I shall have to say further

    about odic energy, I must explain to you the

    nature of matter .

    "Have you ever tried to understand how the bodies of living

    organisms are formed? Consider your own body and its growth! Was it, by

    any chance, built up by adding on finished substance, as a house is built by

    placing one stone upon another? You know for yourself that your body was

    not built up in this way. The body is nothing but od

    condensed into matter ,

    and this is true of all bodies, not only those of human beings, but also those

    of animals, plants and minerals. Their growth and their taking material form

    are subject to those selfsame

    laws of odic condensation .

    "The od of individual material organisms comprises a mixture of od of

    the most varied strength and kinds, produced by wonderful laws unknown to

    you mortals. The mixture is different in human beings than in animals,

    different in animals than in plants, and different in plants than in minerals.

    "The odic aura surrounds the material body at an equal distance from

    every point

    . Consequently the ‘aura’ has the shape of the body to which it

    belongs and which it encompasses. For this reason one speaks of the



    , or the ‘astral body’ , or the ‘fluid body’ , of material beings, as

    distinguished from their material bodies. It is what the Bible calls the

    ‘spiritual body’

    .. It is not visible to your corporeal eyes, but so-called

    ‘clairvoyants’ endowed with the gift of spiritual sight can see these odic

    radiations or ‘odic bodies’.


    The spirit is the source of life, but the scope and the activity of your

    lives are determined by the odic force connected with the spirit and hence

    called the life force. This force manifests itself in

    vibrations of the od ..

    Every expression of intellectual life, every expression of life about you in

    nature, all natural forces are

    odic vibrations .. All thought and all volition are

    expressed in the corresponding odic vibrations, set in motion by the spirit, as

    the bearer of the od. Every physical sensation, every mental emotion is

    caused by odic vibrations. All tones, colors, odors, tastes and tactile

    sensations are produced by specific odic vibrations. In the spiritual world

    these are vibrations of the

    pure ethereal od ; in material creation, they are

    vibrations of od in its more or less

    condensed form.

    "Everything that you see on earth, all growth, blossoming and

    ripening, all power currents and radiation, electricity, radio, ether waves,

    light, darkness, all the nuances of tone, color, odor, taste and touch, all

    power currents in the universe, the force of gravity exercised by the

    heavenly bodies and their motion in space – everything rests upon these odic

    vibrations. A sage of ancient times observed: ‘Everything is in a state of

    flux.’ He should have said: ‘Everything is in a state of vibration.’ The great

    divine secret of numbers

    is based on the vibrations of the odic force flowing

    through the entire universe and permeating its tiniest particle. You little

    humans will never fathom this secret. You seek the

    unity number in world

    events, but you will not find it. It is true that you have discovered many

    facts connected with this secret of numbers. You know the number of

    vibrations that produce the notes familiar to you, and you are trying to

    discover the number of odic vibrations on which the colors are based, but

    what does all that represent in the vast ocean of truth inaccessible to you?



    Od also possesses color. This, too, varies for each creature, ranging

    from the deepest black through trillions of shades to the most resplendent

    white. You mortals cannot conceive of the diversity of these colors. On

    some autumn day, study the yellow of the leaves. Among all the leaves that

    have turned yellow you will not find two that have exactly the same shade of

    yellow. A similar diversity is to be found in all the colors.

    "I have repeatedly indicated to you where the reason for the great

    differences in the scent and color of od lies, namely in the spirits of living

    creatures. The lower the thinking and desires of a spirit in relation to God,

    the uglier it is as a spirit.

    Spirits, too, have shape .. Your human spirits have

    the shape of your human body, or, to put it more correctly, your human

    bodies have the shape of your spirits. So also the bodies of animals are

    shaped like their spirits, for the physical body has the same shape as the odic

    one, and the odic body is shaped to conform completely to the spirit. With

    the help of the od the spirit builds up the physical body to correspond with

    its own image and it own shape.

    "Your so-called scientists will of course ridicule you if you tell them

    that the incarnated spirits have the shape of the bodies that they inhabit.

    They cannot conceive of a spirit that has a shape. They believe that only

    what is material, limited by time and space, can have shape. They are sorely

    mistaken. Spirits are not shapeless, as indeed there is nothing in all creation

    that has no shape. Spirits have form and shape, and yet they are not bound

    by either time or space, as are material bodies. How, unless each of us has

    its shape, could we spirits recognize one another? The Angel Michael is

    different from Gabriel, and Gabriel from Raphael and other spirits, to

    mention only these Biblical characters. The fact of the matter is, then, that

    all spirits have shape, beginning with God and His high spirits, all the way

    down to the most hideously misshapen figures of the depths and to the spirit

    world incarnated in matter.

    "Beauty is harmony and ugliness is disharmony. That is a law that

    applies to all Creation. The most beautiful face in a portrait can be made

    utterly hideous by a disharmonious stroke of the brush. In the same way the

    spirit becomes the uglier in form, and especially in the features of its face,

    the more disharmonious its attitude toward the Creator, in whose image and

    likeness it was originally created.

  • Inquisitor
    Scientists of today call the power current in man the ‘odic force’.

    Don't you mean scientists in the late 18th, 19th and early 20th Century? I would very much like to know which respectable "scientists of today" has so boldly thrown in his/her personal credibility with this "odic force"?



  • Siddhashunyata

    "The Angel Michael is different from Gabriel, and Gabriel from Raphael and other spirits, to mention only these Biblical characters"

    Somehow , this language blows the writer's cover. Biblical characters?

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