Encouraging poetry of the New System....NOT!!!!

by tan 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • tan

    Was sent to me a little while ago....thought you'd all need this encouraging news of hope...

    >When I ' woke up ' this morning, I didn't groan or creak As I reached

    >out to the nightstand, my spectacles to seek.

    >I couldn't feel their framework; and much to my surprise, I saw the

    >room quite clearly when I opened up my eyes!

    >I noticed when I showered that I moved a little quicker, Then when I

    >went to wash my hair, it seemed a little thicker!

    >I went to get my dentures to set them on my gums, But there were teeth

    >already there! Now where did they come from?

    >Although my hearing aids weren't in, I heard the doorbell ring!

    >When I went to answer it, I saw the greatest thing...

    >Why there were friends and family all standing around my door- They all

    >looked so happy, we hugged and hugged some more!

    >The tears were flowing freely, so happy were we all, Then they began to

    >fill me in on things I can't recall.

    >They tell me that I died way back in 1998 That I've just been asleep

    >since then,On the resurrection to await!

    >I'm eager for them to tell me about Armageddon's War, How Jesus won the

    >victory, and what happened just before!

    >We sing Jehovah's praises, we laugh and talk 'til dark, They tell me

    >'bout the progress to turn the earth back to a park.

    >'How long from when I died' I ask, did that old system end?

    >'How far along is the thousand years'? And 'What about my friend?'

    >They tell me names of some I knew, who died so faithfully, Then they

    >mention briefly some we will never see!

    >Some names do not surprise me, some names are quite a shock!

    >I'm just so glad that I am here as one of Jesus' flock!


  • changeling

    Picture changeling sticking her finger down her throat and gagging...

  • tan

    I agree...it sounds so fairy tale story. Goofballs.

  • JeffT

    The advantages of dieing in 1998: he/she/it wasn't around to scrap up all the dead bodies after the bigA. I also didn't see any mention of no sex drive as resurrected people aren't supposed to marry. But hey, what's sex when you can look forward to spending etenity in a big Kingdom Hall?

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