UN stuff

by why144000 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • why144000

    I have been watching the WT/UN issue unfold. While I am personally disappointed with the limp response from the 'spindoctors' from the society I believe that we are flogging a dead horse. Many of the people who would leave the society over this issue are already at a stage that they only need the 'straw to break the camels back'. The rank and file would, at all costs support 'mother' and see the attention given to the UN issue as another reason to hold firm against the apostates. They usually see the people leaving as part of a sifting work, a la 1975. They were not serving for the right reason in the first place.

    I am not supporting the society in this issue but I wonder what it will take to change their viewpoint?

    The more we discuss this issue the more we ensure that it is viewed as 'apostate trash'

  • Haereticus


    Neither I would bet my money on people leaving the WT society. Past histories of religious groups tend to follow the same type of pattern. Along comes near zero growth and even in spite of major problems people would not leave in large numbers. Mormons had comparable problems and what happened as to their number? Nothing much.

    One thing common with religious groups on a long run is dissatisfaction forming a new minor group. This group will grow according the same pattern untill growth ceases and ....

    "Proper preparation & planning prevents piss poor performance." - Awul Dasfilshabeda and Nowaynayda Zheet

  • hawkaw

    You take it all not just the UN. And you post all of it not just the UN thing. But the key is that we have to expose the "whole" thing and not just a piece of the story. So to expose something takes time and a number of posts.

    This just isn't for JWs but for people that could be sucked into this evil Borg.

    Oh BTW I know at three people now who have quit because of this. It also sticks in the back of the Rank and Files mind. One final thing it will create more unreast at Bethal.


  • Pathofthorns

    Much of the evidence against the WT centers on their false predictions and bad policies and advice to their membership. In this case, association with the UN is utter hypocrisy by their leaders and sells out the membership who have in some instances given their lives to be neutral.

    This scandal also exposes them to be just like the other religions they condemn and their willingness to do anything just to survive.


  • wannahelp

    I agree that this issue will not free all witnesses, in fact, it probably will free few.. But, the fact that the WT has done this is just but one more fact that should be revealed..

    If it helps anyone of the R&F to 'tip the scales' and expose the WT then it has served it's purpose..

    If it plants a seed that later may cause a R7F to see the truth, then it has served it's purpose.

    If it can warn anyone now studying or in the future that will study with the WT and show them the real truth so they can make a truly informed decision as wether to join this organization or not, then it will have served it's purpose..

    The WT created this mess.. If any other religion created such a scandal, the WT would be all over it, using the scandal to prove to the R&F that they are the 'truth', as well as preaching the scandal to all who would listen that it's a sign of other religions flase teachings and inpurites..

    Well, one can only hope that if they can dish it out so well, then they better be ready to take it, because it's coming !!!!!

  • Amazing

    Hi WHy: You make a very good point. But, what I thnk can also happen here is that if a JW approaches me, and I can mention their recent membership in the UN, and he hypocrisy with their stated beliefs, I might shake some of them up.

    It would be better if the UN issue could hit all the newspapers and maybe a major TV program. Much like the upcoming NBC Dateline program about JW molestation issues. No, many JWs will not make a break over any of these issues, but the coverage does two impostant things:

    1) It will cause some, maybe even a good number, of JWs to doubt, and the doubters to make a decision to leave.

    2) It will arm non-JWs who are called on at their home or work to take a stand, and keep the momentum of distaste for the JWs. This will affect the expansion of the religion.

    Hopefully these two things will maybe affect the leadership. At least we are all sharing in keeping the JW growth in check in the western world with the Internet, and continual bombardment with information. It is kind of like fighting terrorism, a long slow battle, but one we can win - the war of information. - Amazing

  • Judith

    The information on the UN listed on this site is what helped my son, his girlfriend and myself escape the clutches of the WTS. I was on my way to being reinstated. My son and his girlfriend were studying and we were attending all the meetings. Alot of things were not adding up but we kept going. I started looking around on the internet for information after the 9-11 business with the Watchtower in New York. I found this site and the UN info, printed it out and passed it on to my son. He in turn gave it to the two that were studying with him and asked for an explanation. One said that it was apostates making it up. The other said if it was true, there would be alot of explaining the Watchtower Soc. would have to do. They also told him that he should not listen to anyone outside the organization and to stay off the internet except for the official JW site. They would not take the UN letter but one of them did write down the phone number to call.

    In one week my son made up his mind that there would be no more studies and he was not going back. He left a note on his door telling them to never return.

    Of course there were other things, like the blood issue, that added up to the final decision to back away from the JWs. But the only thing he would listen to when I was telling him that so many things were wrong, was the letter about the UN. So three of us were able to escape.

  • zev

    i only wish it were that easy for me.

    but alas, i await an explaination from the borginization.

    i dont know exactly why.....

    its very hard to break free of a cult.

    -The "Truth" is out there! TRUST NO ONE!

  • Judith


    When the WT locked it's doors on 9-11 I was disgusted. They changed their little tape on their site many times and that brought out how they lie and change things to suit themselves. How could they sit and do nothing to help? Then I found out about the blood issue and felt sick to my stomach. All the operations I have had, all the times I have been in the hospital, and I always wrote (In Big Red Letters) NO BLOOD. Then they told my son that he would not be able to study the bible on his own, that he needed the organization for that. In other words, he is stupid?

    I watched the people at the meetings and how depressed they seemed. I sat at all the meetings listening to the same boring redundant junk that I used to listen to years ago before I DAed. Glassy eyed people, sad and trying to keep awake. A young girl taking her 9 month old to the back and hearing her cry so hard because her mother was punishing her for not sitting still.

    Then I read Crisis of Conscience and that was the final nail in the watchtower coffin. When I finally realized that it was all a sham, I felt a great sense of relief but also a deep sadness. I am so happy that we are out, my son and myself.

    You may have to go a little at a time. It was easier for me because I had been away from the Kingdom Hall for many years and was only back for 4 months. Good luck, don't give up, and list all the things that don't add up. And all the changes, and all the missed dates of the end, and the UN thing. I asked my son to write it all down for himself so he could look at it for what it is.

    Imagine, after 28 years of believing that I must die rather then take blood, I am free to accept blood if I need it.

  • Bridgette

    Dear Why,
    Whether people leave or remain with the organization is up to them.
    What the UN disclosure and discussion thereof accomplishes is shines light into very dark corners. Keeps the WTBTS honest. I have stated before, that I do not beleive this organization will topple. But they will be kept on their toes, if not honest while we're here and have a voice.
    So, I don't think there's any amount of discussion of this that could be "too much". It's the truth. People can do with it as they wish.

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