USSR - WT organizational similarities

by TheOldHippie 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TheOldHippie

    Two organizational similarities between the former Soviet Union (USSR) and the WT:

    Up until the organizational changes that took place a few years ago (directors resigning), there was no US branch. All the countries worldwide had branch offices of their own, but not the US. The worldwide headquarters also covered the area of the USA. Just so in the USSR. There was no Russian communist party. Of the 15 republics in the USSR, 14 had own communist parties with all organizations required, there was an Estonian CP, an Ukrainian CP etc – but no Russian CP. The USSR CP also covered the area of the Russian republic. Stalin in a couple of his show trials and attacks on others had as the main point of accusations that his opponents had tried to establish a Russian CP with headquarters in Leningrad – and he wanted no such thing, as he was afraid he would then lose control.

    If you look at the photos of the branch committee members as presented in the Yearbooks, and their names, you will se that there is always a white American or at least a German person among the branch committee members. Four or five natives – and an American. He has mostly been a missionary for some years, and then he is put on the committee. Just so in the USSR. The 14 local communist parties had native leaders, but there was always a Second Secretary who was Russian. And, as has been showed in numerous studies, he was the one in control, he was Kremlin’s eyes and hands into the republic.

    Trying to state nothing, just finding it interesting.

  • DeusMauzzim

    You might be interested in reading Hannah Arendt - The origins of totalitarianism - part III.
    I'm sure you will find many more very interesting parallels in there.
    Kind Regards,
    Deus Mauzzim

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