god had no tongue????

by nelly136 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • nelly136

    can't understand why this nasty piece o shite can't be named and why have they still got two other kids in their care?????????????


    Tuesday, 13 November 2007, 15:54 GMT

    Man 'hurt children with scalpels'

    A religious father put safety pins through the tongues and lips of his two children and slit their mouths with scalpel blades, a court has heard.

    The father, from Nigeria, told the boys he inflicted the injuries because God had his tongue cut off in the Bible, a jury at Bradford Crown Court was told.

    The Bradford man, who cannot be named, denies charges of unlawful wounding and cruelty between 2003 and 2005.

    The boys' mother also denies charges of cruelty during the same period.

    Caroline Wigin, prosecuting, said the mother would watch, or turn a blind eye, as the father carried out the injuries.

    Foster carers

    The boys' injuries were discovered in February 2005 when a school friend of the older boy, now aged 13, noticed bruises on his body during a PE lesson, the court heard.

    Miss Wigin said the boy told a learning mentor that his father beat him five to six times a week.

    The boy's younger brother, now aged 11, was questioned and told the school he had been assaulted the previous night when his father swung a pole at him, causing cuts to his fingers.

    A medical examination revealed injuries consistent with the boys' stories, Miss Wigin said.

    The boys were subsequently placed with foster carers.

    'Scalpel used'

    Miss Wigin said: "[The older boy] told his foster carer how safety pins had been put through their top lips, tongue and bottom lip, then they had to sit still and not move.

    "A scalpel had been used to slit their lips and inside their mouths. Their father had then sewn them up with a medical kit that he had."

    Miss Wigin added that the boy said his father "spoke about God in the Bible having his tongue cut off" as an explanation for why he carried out the injuries.

    When interviewed, both parents, who have two other children, denied the boys suffered any serious injuries.

    The trial continues.

  • Zico

    That's a horrible story. :( Sick parents...

    'both parents, who have two other children'

    It says they have 2 other children, but they're not necessarily in their care.

  • nelly136

    i really hope not :(

  • nelly136

    http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/Boys39-mouths-slit-open-with.3482288.jp THE religious father of two children put safety pins through their tongues and lips and slit their mouths with scalpel blades, a court has heard. The Nigerian father would also put clothes pegs on the boys' lips and tongues and pressed the tongue of one with sharp pliers until it bled and swelled, the jury at Bradford Crown Court was told.

    He would stitch up the wounds with a medical kit and told the boys he inflicted the injuries because God had his tongue cut off in the Bible, the court heard.

    Opening the case for the prosecution, Caroline Wigin said their mother would watch, or turn a blind eye, as their father carried out the injuries at their home in Bradford, West Yorkshire.

    The father is charged with three counts of unlawful wounding and eight counts of cruelty between September 2003 and February 2005, and the mother is charged with three counts of cruelty during the same period. Both deny the charges and cannot be named for legal reasons.

    The Nigerian family moved to Bradford in 2003 and the boys' injuries were discovered in February 2005 when a school friend of the eldest, now aged 13 but aged nine to 10 during this time, noticed bruises on his body during a PE lesson, the court heard.

    Miss Wigin said the boy told a learning mentor his father beat him five to six times a week and had most recently beaten him with a stick for playing on his Playstation for too long.

    The boy said his father would use a 3ft stick with what he described as "angles", or a piece of electric cable to beat him.

    His younger brother, now 11 but aged between seven and eight at the time, was questioned and told the school he had been assaulted the previous night when his father swung a pole at him, causing cuts to his fingers.

    A medical examination revealed injuries consistent with the boys' stories, Miss Wigin said, and both were later placed with foster carers.

    She told the court a pair of pliers was recovered from the family's
    house and DNA of both boys, together with saliva, was found on them.

    The older boy was also punished by being put in a darkened room for getting a spelling test wrong, the court heard.

    The jury was told the mother of the boys would fetch a sewing kit so her husband could use the safety pins on the boys - which on one occasion were left in their mouths between Saturday and Monday.

    Miss Wigin said: "When the children were being punished, she would sometimes say 'No, no, leave them, leave them for now'. (The older boy) said 'Sometimes she would protect us, sometimes she won't. She just sits there'."

    The mother would punish the younger son for wetting the bed by waking him at midnight and putting him in a bath of cold water and would sometimes put a pepper on his eyes, the jury was told.
    The trial continues.
    Full coverage in Wednesday's Yorkshire Post. Last Updated: 13 November 2007 2:32 PM
  • nelly136


    A fervent Christian tortured his two sons by slicing their mouths with scapel blades and putting safety pins through their tongues, a court heard.

    The self-styled preacher used clothes pegs to clamp the wounds and stitched them up using a domestic medical kit at their Bradford home.

    The Nigerian man, aged 47, told the boys he inflicted the injuries because God had had his tongue cut off in the Bible, a Bradford Crown Court jury was told yesterday.

    His wife, 38, sitting with him in the dock in a smart jacket and matching hat, was said to have done nothing to help her two children when her husband inflicted pain on them.

    Neither the defendants nor their children can be named for legal reasons.

    The man pleads not guilty to three charges of wounding the boys and eight of cruelty.

    His wife denies three cruelty offences.

    All the allegations are said to have happened between September 2003 and February 2005.

    Prosecutor Caroline Wigin told the jury of seven women and five men the couple were originally from Nigeria, in western Africa.

    They had moved to Europe, where their children were born, and then to Bradford.

    In February 2005, a learning mentor at the eldest boy's primary school had seen bruising on his back.

    The boy said his father regularly beat him and had hit him with a stick days before, Miss Wigin said.

    She said he did not cry or he was beaten more and he said his mother knew about it.

    The mentor had spoken to his younger brother who had said he had been struck with a pole by his father the previous night.

    A paediatric doctor had examined the boys and they had been taken into care.

    Miss Wigin said the older boy told foster parents his dad put safety pins through his top lip, tongue and bottom lip. He said his mouth was slit with a scalpel and sewn up with a home medical kit.

    He said his father had told him: "God in the Bible had his tongue cut off." He said his mother would sit and watch.

    The boys were examined by a specialist doctor who looks at asylum seekers for evidence of torture, Miss Wigin said. He found evidence of scarring consistent with the allegations.

    The older boy, aged nine to ten at the time, had said his mouth would bleed on to his shirt and he would be given a bucket to collect the blood. He said his father pressed his tongue with sharp pliers so it bled and swelled.

    The jury saw a video recording of the boy, aged ten, telling a police officer what he alleged his dad had done to him.

    He had demonstrated how he was bound hand and foot and a cloth was put over his mouth and how he had been locked in a dark place at his home.

    He had described how his dad would hit him with sticks and had showed how he allegedly fastened a safety pin deep through his bottom lip, tongue and top lip. He had said he had to eat soft food afterwards.

    It is alleged the boy's younger brother, said to be aged seven to eight at the time, was left for the night tied to a chair with a safety pin through his tongue and lower lip and a napkin round his eyes.

    He had claimed that on one occasion his mother offered him "something nice" and then put a pepper on his eyes.

    She had told police the children lied at home and school and the older boy fell downstairs, the court heard.

    Miss Wigin said a pair of sharp pincers found at the family home had the boys' DNA on them.

    The man had told police his family had a good relationship and were churchgoers.

    Miss Wigin said the alleged ill-treatment of the children may have been based on the couple's interpretation of Christianity.

    She said a camcorder recording taken from the house showed the man preaching to his family and his wife singing. The man had said: "God will seize this tongue. God will seize it."

    A book recovered from the house, called Raising a Godly Child, quotes: "He who spareth the rod hateth his son," Miss Wigin said.

    The woman's diary contained religious references, including: "no man can tame the tongue," the jury heard.

    The trial, which is expected to last up to seven weeks, continues.

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