Canadian gets 3 years - sexual exploitation of girl while he was a JW elder

by Gopher 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Gopher

    Wendell Willick was sentenced to prison last week for sexual abuse of a girl beginning in 1996 when the girl was 14. He was an elder at the time, but gave up being an elder a few years ago and left the JW's entirely in 2004. His lawyer gave some weasel words toward the bottom of this story that claimed Willick wasn't acting in his capacity as an elder when the abuse occurred. Let there be NO doubt, Willick was an elder when this started and for many years while it was continuing.

    Jehovah's Witness elder gets three years for sexual exploitation

    Betty Ann Adam, CanWest News Service

    Published: Friday, November 09, 2007

    SASKATOON -- A former Jehovah's Witness church elder has been sentenced to three years in prison for the sexual exploitation of a troubled teenage girl with whom he carried on a four-year relationship.

    "Our courts must send a clear message to every person in authority over a child that sexual contact with them will not be tolerated and will result in lengthy periods of imprisonment," Justice Marty Popescul said Friday at the Saskatoon Court of Queen's Bench.

    Wendell Willick, 47, was counselling the girl at the behest of her parents - who were friends of Willick through their church - during the period of the abuse, which began in 1996, when the girl was 14.

    The court heard during a sentencing hearing that Willick first had sexual intercourse with the girl when she was visiting his home on a weekend pass from a hospital psychiatric ward.

    The victim, whose name is protected by a publication ban, was in the midst of a troubled adolescence. She had once run away from home and had repeatedly cut herself.

    Willick pleaded guilty in September to a charge of sexual exploitation.

    The judge did not accept defence lawyer Daryl Labach's submission that the girl's apparent consent lessened the severity of the crime.

    "As a society we have absolutely rejected the notion that children can properly consent to participation in sexual activity with adults or those who are in a position of trust or authority to them," Popescul said.

    "An offence such as this does not require the use of threats or violence because of the power imbalance involved."

    Willick's wife and adult children sat silently in the front row or the courtroom. The victim, who lives out of province, was not present. Her mother and stepfather sat in a back row. They declined to comment on the sentence.

    The girl's trust and spiritual beliefs were shattered, she said in a victim impact statement that was read during the sentencing hearing.

    "It made me feel like a person of no value with no voice. . . . Parts of myself are missing," she wrote.

    Willick voluntarily gave up his role as an elder in the church several years ago, in part because of the allegations, and left the church entirely in 2004, the defence lawyer has said. He also has said Willick was not acting in his capacity as a church elder when the offences occurred.

    Willick will be listed on the national sex offender registry for 10 years after he is released and must provide a DNA sample for the national data bank.

  • JK666

    I am glad that he was sentenced to serve hard time, but I hope that the victim can sue for a punitive judgement, and suck some $$$$ out of the coffers of the WTS.


  • Gopher

    Did anyone else hear of this case? I personally don't think 3 years is enough "hard time" for this bastard.

  • Gayle

    Can't seem to cut & paste this article about Jehovah's Witnesses meetin November 5 on Monday in Saskatoon? I don't see a defense about their "2 witness rule." I am sure the JW in the area is very rattled, probably the reason for this special meeting.

  • Bobbi

    You spotted that too huh Gopher, I just about puked when I read it.


  • mentalclearness

    WTF????? three years for ruining that poor girls life??? I'm glad I live in South America. That guy would be sodomized his first five minutes in jail, while authorities watch....that's common protocol in latin jails...

  • Nosferatu

    I hope my 14 year old niece sees this and it makes her think. She's likely been at the same convention as him.

  • Gopher


    Your link was to an article about the Special Assembly Day of Jehovah's Witnesses. They are carrying on as if nothing happened, and maybe don't even care because the perpetrator and his victim are no longer Witnesses. So even though these crimes happened in the context of JW shepherding, it's "out of sight, out of mind" for these Canadian JW's.

    Jehovah's Witnesses meet at seminar
    The Southwest Booster

    A total of 160 representatives from the local Swift Current congregations joined over 450 Jehovah’s Witnesses from southwestern Saskatchewan for a Nov. 5 seminar in Saskatoon.
    “Encouragement was directed to the many parents in attendance,” said Swift Current congregations spokesperson Thomas Genik. “Twenty years ago an encyclopedia yearbook described the world as being quietly but relentless rent by slow-motion disintegration.” We agree. “Therefore, our conference urged parents to provide wholesome direction, communication and protection as their children begin to face and deal with negative influences.”
    The theme of the conference was: We Are the Clay - Jehovah Is Our Potter.”
    “The 477 in attendance were cautioned by Doug Rickaby - a minister in the North Hill Congregation - that because of the world’s influences, there is a danger of adopting its standards. We can choose a course of life that molds us into the kind of people that God approves.”
    A highlight of the program was the keynote address by Rodney Jung, a visiting representative from the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Canada headquarters.

  • Maddie

    I just don't understand why these perverts get such ridiculously short sentences. IMO they should all be castrated to be sure they never do it again.


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