Mum's death. The twins probably had natural transfusion

by Mr Ben 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    A very interesting article showing that most twins have natural intertwin transfusions. A salient point in the article is that the Witchtower allowed certain blood fractions because Jehooby allowed it naturally during pregnancy, and therefore by the same reasoning Jehooby must allow whole blood transfusions because this is commom between foetal twins.

    How sad these kids will be when they are old enough to understand.

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Now here’s a thought! When my girl was a foetus of only a few weeks she was most definitely a twin, but some months later one had gone. The doc explained it is very common for the womb to select the stronger foetus and kill the weaker. She explained this was so in about 30% of pregnancies, and it was only because most people don’t have such an early scan they don’t realise this.

    Now the Witchtower has justified it’s doctrine on blood fractions by citing natural phenomenon during pregnancy. But if you use nature to justify your ethics or morals where can that lead? In the above example certainly it justifies abortion. But what about other things in nature? A crocodile eating a human who stops to drink is a natural phenomenon. Does that justify cannibalism? If so, should a person think twice before using nature as the justification for an ethical stance?

    And hey, while I’m on this train of thought, if Jehooby is breaking his own “law” by allowing whole blood transfusions between twins then isn’t he a resister or opposer of God’s law, making him……. Satan the Devil!!

    Now the light is really shining brighter!

  • justhuman


  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    If the Witchtower need to cite nature to justify their medical stance, then what in nature can justify organ transplants? What would otherwise be just a ridiculous hypocrisy is a murderous policy against poor r&f witlesses like Emma Gough, whose own children probably shared blood naturally as their mother died refuting the possibility that God could allow it.

    Every time I remember my decade in the Witchtower I am filled with disgust and sorrow for people like Emma and her family. Her death, so young, so needed, it's just so pointless.

    Being very sad at mo about it.

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    And another thing that really sasses my frass is that the Witchtower denied Emma even using her own stored blood because the Holy Babble says blood was to poured out onto the ground. Yet everyone knows that the blood from animals slaughtered in conventional slaughterhouses is not poured out but used in the food industry as black pudding or as an ingredient in other foods. And yet there is no pressure to buy only kosher meat even though this is supposed to be a life and death issue for CHRIST!ians!

    And so today poor Mr Gough & Co. will be happily wolfing a nice juicy steak from the local butcher or supermarket without a second thought that when it comes to choosing breaking the Holy Babble's rule on a matter of diet - hey no problem - but when breaking the same rule (at least according to The Witch) means someone has to die then suddenly the rule is vastly more important and they must DIE!

    Are you proud of yourself Witchtower? Keepers of the Holy Hate! That's right you hypocritical harlot go get your vaccinations and blood fractions taken from vast amounts of generously donated and STORED blood!

  • fokyc

    There seems to be a slightly different story here:

    THE husband of the Jehovah’s Witness mum who died after refusing a blood transfusion because of her beliefs is blaming the hospital where she lost her life.

    Anthony Gough, 24, claims medical staff may have been negligent over wife Emma’s death – and legal action could follow.

    He has told friends Emma, 22, WOULD have submitted to a transfusion – if it had used her OWN recycled blood.

    Anthony claims when staff brought in a blood-cell salvage machine for the procedure they were unsure how to use it.

    It’s alleged medics were frantically looking on the internet for instructions as Emma died.


  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    The statement by Mr Gough is misleading, he is clearly under the influence of the Witches HLC henchmen. To store enough blood in advance, when she was healthy, to use in an operation would have led to her disfellowshipping, she did not do this, so his statement can be misleading. The blood cell salvage machine, as I understand it, can re-use blood being lost at the time in theatre, which is completely different from a transfusion from previously stored blood. And with massive sudden blood loss the machine would, as far as I can tell from some other posters on this subject, be of little, if any, value. What she needed was a substantial transfusion, which she refused.

    To blame the staff for at least trying a probably useless proceedure shows how desperate they wanted to help. That they were not sure how to use it probably indicates that this proceedure is never used for sudden massive blood loss as it is ineffective. That's how I am reading it anyway.

    It is quite a shamefull and no doubt deliberate strategy on the part of the HLC to try and shift the blame in the public's eye to the hospital staff and away from where the blame really lies which is the teaching of The Witch.

    Any comments on the article about natural blood transfusion between twins in the womb and that The Witch chooses to ignore it? Maybe it's old news here but it was "new light" for me!

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