funny thing happened on the way to the hall ...

by alliwannadoislive 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • alliwannadoislive

    oh i so need a good laugh right now ...

    please share with me any funny moments from your jw life - anything:

    hall-related or
    service related or
    just 'truth'-life-related

    (in desperate need of a laugh ...)

  • Mindchild

    Well Alli I hope this fits the bill:-)

    I was one of those infamous poor regular pioneers that was barely making it and come time for the assemblies, I typically choose security work to do there because I didn't have a spare dime for motel rooms, etc. At a long district assembly in the old Seattle Kingdom, I did my usual bit and stayed up half the night making sure the bad guys didn't get in the place. After about three days of this I was really dragging and the elder in charge of the guards was kind enough to give me an early shift and a short one.

    As we were using sleeping bags in the stadium section itself, it was important to be woke up about 6AM before everyone showed up. I asked this elder to please be sure to wake me and I got all kinds of assurances. This was important as I sleep in the nude in my sleeping bag.

    Wouldn't you know it, I woke up surrounded by thousands of people and it must have been about 10:30 AM on a Saturday! My clothing for the day was about two rows down below me piled on a bench and here I was nude in my sleeping bag! After several attempts to make sure I wasn't dreaming or having a nightmare, I stuck my head out the bag again and swore that every binnocular in the place was focused on me!

    Eventually, I worked up the nerve to ask the people sitting by my clothes to pass them up and I did the best I could to change inside the bag. LOL! You wouldn't beleive how red I was and what a terrible job someone does trying to change clothing in a mummy sleeping bag.

    I just left the bag there and slithered into the mens restroom where I discovered I had my shirt inside out and underwear on backwards. I then just got in my car and started driving home. hahaha Found out later the elder completely forgot about me. That's alright because now I have completely forgotten about God.


  • garybuss

    Dear Randy,

    Last month we had a critter clawing at the door of the Kingdom Hall on the side boards that hold the door in and we all thought it was a badger so we had a special needs part on the service meeting and then we got up a committee and brother Newly Ben Haad and Bubba and Rusty Fenders with the wife who wears them short skirts decided we would get a trap and try to catch it alive since we do not believe in killing. Sister Busty suggested last Tuesday after the book study that we use fish meat as bait since the smell always attracted animals to her.

    We made a live trap out of the box the new cob tank heater came in last fall with some clothes hangers and an old door screen. Sunday after the meeting we sat it up and I went down there Monday morning to check it and we had caught our own tiger cat, the one without any ears.

    The next night Newly set it and put in some peanut butter on a bread crust and the next morning we had a half grown raccoon. We got it in the back of the Olds and took it out to Briar creek up near where Sis got her first subscription from that blind lady. The coon got loose in the back of the car and it took us most of the afternoon to get it out. All in all we caught 5 coons and 2 cats and one squirrel.

    That was not the funniest thing that ever happened but it was one event that kept us the busiest the longest. We still ain’t sure we got the critter digging at the door.


    PS: We have heard you got your mail box enlarged since last month when we sent the pumpkin. Sorry about the $42.20 postage due.

  • alliwannadoislive

    skipper ! that is such an outrageous story i think it must be true ! i can't even begin to imagine how awful that must have bin - have had similar dreams though ... nuff said ...

    clem - what did you call me ? - okay so busty has the pungence of a fish, right ? ... i can see where you're coming from there ...

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