ex elder will serve prison time for abuse

by sosad 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • sosad

    Well, the pig will serve jail time. check out the Star Phoenix - the story was page A3. It's too bad but it is going to get overlooked due to our Provincial Election today.

    the article is pretty graphic - it shows the power these guys hold over families and how naive parents that are jws really are - not to mention the wives of elders

    she was 14 and the stupidity continued until she was almost 18 - isn't that classic pedofile actions - he was probably no longer attracted to her as she matured - since there was no "violence" ie it was "consensual" he will not get the maximum

  • nicolaou

    Hi sosad, do you have a link to this article?


  • katiekitten

    Or a name or a key word so I can do a seach on the Star Phoenix website. Would be interested in reading this article.

  • dozy
  • katiekitten

    Dear god, this is a terrible story. How can anyone think the sex was conseneual when she was in a mental hospital, often sedated, self harmed and then later on worked for the abusers company.

    That poor girl. The mother must feel absolutely awful. I cant imagine how bad you must feel to realise that not only have you failed to protect your children, but that you actively put them in harms way.

    The guy should be hung.

  • sosad

    instead, he is coming across like a poor guy himself - with hardly a mention of the jw connections

  • justhuman


  • Mary
    A 14-year-old girl was on a weekend pass from a psychiatric ward the first time Wendell Willick had sexual intercourse with her, a Queen's Bench judge heard Tuesday.........Willick, 47, a former elder of the Jehovah's Witnesses

    47 year old elder, appointed by the Holy Spirit, has sex with a 14 year old girl, who's fresh from the psych ward. Sounds like the wrong person was institutionalized.

    Filthy, rotten bastard.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    how would anyone even know if this was his first victim ?????

    his "grooming" grrrrr, how many others have been groomed ???

    no one will ever know if this incident could've been prevented!!! or any others !!!!

    or are there "chosen ones" who do. Are they glad he was finally caught?

    boy, I'm pissed.


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